
EV trucks have been faster than sports cars for a couple years now, nothing new at all.

Semi doesn’t “stand” at 70 - they’re building more all the time, on the pilot production line. The actual truck factory is still being built and will go on-line next year. Sheesh.

You raise salient points - but get a star solely for the joke at the end! Made me lol irl. :)

Especially as every time we buy some digital shit, the seller claims we’re buying, and not that we’re licensing said shit.

Tbh tho, the price of everything has gone up by a lot since the original unveiling.

:( So, so sad when people in the health care services get consumed and start going off the deep end over masks etc - they should reality check themselves and ask themselves why they became hospital workers in the first place - was it to assert their own individual ‘rights’ (imagined or real), or was it to actually help

Well, I did like Leto in Blade Runner 2, so I’ll consider it. :)

lol I never watched the Suicide Squad movies. :P

Holy crap, I’m sorry dude you had to go through that. Nobody should.

You wanna impress me, AI? Do what I tell you to do without making any errors along the way.

It was always the mother of all terrible ideas. Musk is so incredibly self-centered he’s almost peerless in that regard; such behavior doesn’t really lend itself to making well-balanced business decisions (or life decisions in general either for that matter...)

I feel the Muskrat isn’t anything as principled as the Nolan Joker was, though. Elon’s just a garden variety egomaniacal sociopath (although one fertilized into monstrous proportions...)

Same reason people watch sports instead of playing sports.

People like you have been saying this exact same shit for damn near 20 years by now - the site has never been exclusively about gaming. It has always had oddball articles featured - arguably this is way more gaming-related than some of the stuff that used to be posted here in the past.

When life gives you shrimp, you make shrimp cocktails!

MAGAts are the world’s most accomplished mental gymnastics. They manage to successfully conjoin the idea that the US gov’t is incompetent and unable to accomplish anything, and also able to mount these incredible conspiracies that are run so perfectly there’s zero evidence of any of it lol; smuggling of children,

You don’t vote to join unions in Sweden. You join if you want to join, it’s up to you and only you.

These people have shit for brains, and are unable to move on from anything. Any suggestions that they should move on will immediately be re-interpreted into you trying to cover something up.

Yeah. Who cares who may or may not have tried to debunk what; the building these absolute morons claim kids were being trafficked out of literally has no basement.

One wonders how it is legal that someone can take $4M of someone else’s money and gamble with them without permission and end up with a $23M personal profit.