
30 minutes? Pfft... You look at the original Star Trek episodes, and they were almost an hour long...

You misrepresent the situation. It’s not 10% for something versus 90% against it, it’s 10% who are for something versus 90% consisting of an unknown mix of largely people who mostly just can’t be bothered for one reason or another, and some people who may be against. Like with so much else in society, people just

And why exactly do these people deserve that?

Squid Game TV show turns into Squid Game...

Nice bootlicking there.

You don’t get it. If we start building massive amounts of hybrids, manufacturers will keep maintaining gasser car development, development of new platforms, engines, drivetrains etc for many years to come because they and their stock owners will demand continued return on investment and R&D into the future, all of

No, beyond visible space is so far away that the light coming from there has yet to reach us. That sentence simply means we don’t know the origin source of that ray - because strangely, we don’t know everything yet! ;)

I think you’re being way too charitable there in your belief Ubi has no reason to lie. They’re fucking Ubisoft, ok?

Shit like this is why I’m not buying Ubi games, period.

You exaggerate, a lot.

Nightmare before christmas needs a sequel like a pair of pants need a zipper in the back too. That movie is DONE. The characters are perfect, just as they are. Are even all the voice actors still alive? Surely not.

We’re not going to rely only on lithium, dude. Sodium-ion batteries are coming in a big way and they are cheaper, very durable, extremely safe and already quite good performance-wise, and there’s NO shortages of raw materials for those!

We’re doing it. It’s sustainable. Why wouldn’t it be? Again, you have no actual evidence, just a belief - which means nothing.

A power drill that could be commanded to fly around and drill out the kneecaps of all the people which fulfil certain visual criteria that it encounters would - rightfully! - never be allowed to be manufactured, much less actually sold.

These “some would argue” seem fucking dumb to me, tbh. There’s more shades than just black OR white, you know. There’s no “devil’s advocating” a totally unrealistic position. Nobody will give up their cars, because doing so will mean the collapse of human civilization such as we know it, and they know that. So nobody

I AM advocating for saving the planet; I’m not advocating for abolishing technological human civilization such as we know it, BECAUSE NOBODY WOULD GET ALONG WITH THAT, you nincompoop.

One: cherrypicking already debunked bullshit claims to try and prove your bullshit. Nobody in the green energy camp ever said ice ages have anything to do with anthropogenic global warming, and surprise surprise they don’t. It’s an irrelevant canard invented by bad faith actors (IE fossil fuel lobbyists) and

YES. Absolutely, public transport is more environmentally sound than electric cars. I myself use public transport all the time. But, you know, people love “freedom”. And many are lazy. And not everyone lives in a city. And we can’t build bus stops or tram stops or train stops or metro entrances outside every building,

Yeah, I saw in the comments after I had already posted... Thanks for the info, though. Appreciate it! :)