
In reality, lithium mines aren’t particularly dirty, certainly not compared to say, uranium mining or the like (you can also recover lithium from seawater brine rather than mining it), and as for absolute environmental destruction, coal mining really takes the cake because not only is coal laced with all kinds of

The fuck you talking about. There’s no credible evidence countering global warming, and the science is OVERWHELMINGLY settled, for YEARS now. You don’t know what you’re talking about, because you’re listening to lying propagandists who are lying to you.

Scientists that gets paid? Buddy, everybody gets paid, but scientists don’t get paid nearly as much as oil executives and coal barons do.

This is very common disinformation and FUD promoted and spread by the fossil fuel industry to discourage people from buying electric vehicles, and to just muddy up the waters in general.

Muskrat isn’t the only one launching rockets you know. Also, even if he disappeared overnight rocket launching would far from stop.

Lack of abort system isn’t such a big issue as you might think, Everyday Astronaut did a video on that a while back where he goes through this topic pretty thoroughly, you may want to check it out.

Martin’s obviously having monster writer’s block, and his book/s will come when they come - or maybe not. He might keel over any day now, considering his age and physical state.

Sorry, you’re an ignorant fool who’s being willfully deceived by rich, greedy people who have zero regard for your and your family’s future or health.

10% of the driving NOW - that percentage is increasing every year. It used to be only 2% just a handful of years ago.

Getting a bit of an US-and-Al Quaeda vibe there with that headline.

Jesus fucking christ, this goddamn rocket seems permanently cursed to always manage to waste money and cause delays at every single friggin turn possible. We had functional heat shields in the friggin 1960s. Why can’t they get a handle on this one? They flew the capsule MORE THAN A YEAR AGO ALREADY and they still

I can’t go through your entire diatrabe of garden variety often debunked swarm of negativity (it’s already past 1AM here and I’m too tired), so I’ll just say that electrification is still rapidly ongoing, and you shouldn’t judge tomorrow by the state of today.


Problem is, if you own the court system and have appointed your own puppet far right judges, you can throw out lawsuits against bad actors like Faux News etc or even decide in favor of Faux on purely ideological grounds and call it justice.

The article doesn’t say where Muskrat filed his suit, but since Xitter is a Cali corporation chances are he filed it there, and then he’s fucked due to anti-SLAPP legislation.

Not doomed enough; the lights are still on over there.

“You found combinations of big name trademark ads and offensive user content - and it’s YOUR fault!”

Even the “rare instance of ads” claim is deceptive; Xitter is used by hundreds of millions of people, with such huge numbers of people in play, otherwise rare occurrences won’t actually be all that rare in reality.

Lookit the free speech absolutist who is all down with hating on the jews, but as soon as he himself is criticized he will yell and stomp his feet, and cry cry cry, all the way to the court house to sue his detractors.