
Honestly I don’t get the “it’s been so long I’m no longer interested” comments/complaints.

Also the bit when he got in bed with the Chinese dictator murder regime in Beijing during the HK protests...

By contrast, Prime Video has the most movies available (just over 12,000 in 2023; that’s an increase over 2022's 10,285, but a dip from 2021's 14,670)

The benefit here is when idling, apparently.

Yeah, imagine how many shit overly heavy, thirsty crappy ass hybrids with double power trains and even more failure points you could make, instead of switching over to clean electric-only vehicles.

What guy in a goofy hat? I don’t know what it is I’m supposed to remember...

Comically evil characters do have a place in a setting like Star Wars, though. The entire franchise is built on the bones of ancient myths and legends mixed with cartoonish matinee serials from early Hollywood. We have intelligent robots who talk with beeps and boops for frig’s sake, and people understand them.

Omg, Stevenson was so amaaaazingly good, and his portrayal of Skoll was simply incredible. There’s no way anyone would ever believe he was the guy who played that buffoon from the first few Thor movies. What a breadth as an actor he had.

Well one of the e-tron models (the earliest one, IIRC) goes under the (not very flattering) moniker “fat e-tron”, so this seems accurate... :P

Regen braking recovers kinetic energy and puts it back into the battery pack for increased range. Why wouldn’t you want that? Being disinterested is irrational.

It actually doesn’t increase range, it decreases range versus just freewheeling/rolling on inertia. If you’re one-pedaling, the motors are either powering the wheels, or regen braking. There’s no coasting middle ground.

You ridiculous moron can’t even read properly. Go back and look at what I said about Elon in my original post. Your delusional frothing of the mouth thinking I’m a fan of his will make it all the sweeter when Starship DOES fly to space, and the moon. And who knows, maybe even Mars. lol

Omg and I thought only EVs caught fire spontaneously! *rolleyes* Maybe some people are simply full of shit, who could have known! :/

YOU are laughable, defending an outrageously expensive, wasteful, obsolete, political lame duck like SLS. It is literally the very definition of wasting money - flushing it straight down the crapper in copious amounts with a throwaway rocket that will always cost a billion+ per shot at best.

Issue with the driver?

You should note that a high and rising percentage of EVs sold now use batteries that are essentially not susceptible to thermal runaway. The more volatile LNMC battery chemistries are becoming aimed more and more towards high performance vehicles, while mass-market vehicles increasingly use cells from the safer,

No humans launched with the first SLS rocket, so I don’t get why you try to imply that was the case. They also spent almost twelve BILLION dollars on SLS up to the first launch. That’s an INSANE amount of money, one which literally nobody can afford.

Personally, if I’d already built the system before noticing the misspelling, no way I’d tear everything down again just for this. I love just as much as I hate building computers... lol

Generally speaking, consumer-grade gear isn’t worth shit as vintage gear. You can get some money for certain sought-after - typically server-grade - hardware. But these boards aren’t going to fetch much when they’re obsolete I’m thinking. This misspelling will be a curious footnote at best in the annals of computing

Terminator 2 extended edition 4K please.