
Well, there’s a reason it’s called ‘acting’...

That’s what they all say.

Well, actually he kind of is. He flies into rages, throws/wrecks things, and also manhandles the kids on a number of occasions.

Hm, I kind of missed the part where Tom Cruise rescued a princess from prison and then took a detour through the trash compactor during TG:Mav. Also, Luke didn’t get laid either for that matter. :P

Seen Vanilla Sky? :)

That’s Old Loki. The one who always has to be pampered, the center of attention, the one who camouflages as Odin, eating grapes watching actors stage a play showing how heroic he (Loki) was/is.

That vehicle is parody, right? Surely it must be.

Every government contract with SpaceX should be cancelled immediately.

Well, haha, that would be glorious! lol

This season was all about Loki’s growth and self-understanding as a person, and coming to terms with himself as he meets his own destiny. All the other stuff was just props on the way to get us all there.

(spoiler alert maybe and stuff, just fyi...)

Maybe, maybe not; I’ve been subscribing to D+ for years now, while I almost never go to the movies... :P (And a lot of the movies I do see are not Disney/Fox movies.)

Shut up, fool. Burning fossil fuels is the cause.

Every bit counts, both ways.

You know just as well as I that any solar shades put up would just be seen as an excuse to continue polluting rather than trying to affect any real changes. “See?! We don’t NEED to change (which would be so so so so expensive that we’d go under if we tried.) We can just put up solar shades in space; problem solved!”

If it had ever happened with Buran the Soviets would of course have lied about it. As it was, Buran only ever launched ONE time, as I recall. So not much statistics to go on there...

Don’t worry, they’ll soon think of something.

I like the “emoji bar” as you call it - it’s of course SO much more than that - because it actually SHOWS you what it’s doing, unlike those fucking stoneage function keys. Having no physical escape key is a bit wonky admittedly in the few apps I use that uses that key, but other than that one particular corner case,

This seems very very much like a payoff to me. Also, even if Google doesn’t consider this a payoff, but the desired end result has payoff-like effects, then it’s a fucking payoff!