
Dude’s got a replacement left arm too, so not too far off from a real-life cyborg warrior... :P

So am I getting you straight here, you’re blaming the movie/comic for some random wanker nutcases out there rooting for the villain?

Hell, we had a cadre of Thanos-did-nothing-wrong worshippers back in the day, so I totally get what you say. But those people who trigger off of effective Hollywood villains/mass murderers would still exist even if we turned all the Dr. Dooms out there into Dr. Evils instead. It wouldn’t change a thing, except make

Fuck me for being tricked into feeling sympathy there for a moment for that massive piece of shit. Him showing himself off as a born-again fascist and conspiracy theorism-promoting dickwad, that happened long before he fooled himself into buying Tweeter.

Well, you got Pratt’s casting right at least... ;)

Honestly, I wouldn’t want to bathe in Sergey’s pool. Dementedly rich people are perverted as hell. I mean, why even be filthy rich if you’re not going to be doing any perverted shit?

lol Audiophiles???

Do you always stop buying everything that goes up in price? Because you must not be buying anything by now then...

...Versus what they’re doing now, which is exactly what you’re saying, and also handing the products - IE weapons of mass destruction - to terrorists?

Yeah, why don’t those crazy-eyed morons think of their own civilian population for a change before starting any more wars. Utter lunatics...

You’re breaking apart two missiles which are both loaded with high explosives. There’s little to (almost) no atmosphere up there to slow debris down from the resulting explosion. Even if shit doesn’t go into orbit there’s going to be thousands of fragments, and it’s enough if just one flies in a direction which takes

You should apply for a job in the CGFX business then. What are you waiting for? Go, go!

They can’t, the water table is right under the surface, so no digging into the ground for any trenches or such. Also, Muskrat’s Starbase sits in a wildlife preserve, so they probably wouldn’t get gov’t permission to dig anyway (or said permission would take appx 3000 years of red tape to acquire.)

Too bad Apple isn’t offering a bespoke gaming Mac with the fattest GPU and a more reasonably sized CPU/system features. You don’t need a 16-core CPU and multiple video hardware transcoders and shit like that in a gaming computer; 6-8 fast cores and 2 efficient cores would get you very far for gaming.

Thrall’s hair is starting to go salt-and-peppery too. Shows quite a bit of time has passed in-game since launch.

Disbar proceedings against these clownshoe lawyers? Because I assume having a law degree doesn’t give you license to insult judges and stuff any way you like.

Well, no, Donald Dump is actually really, REALLY ignorant and stupid. Like, he hides his school grades and university test scores. Why would the world’s biggest braggart do that, unless the numbers show he’s a massive fraud? lol


The problem with that is that the people who get racist garbage language hurled at them are people - while you get to “shame” the offenders (as if they have any!), the victims get abused and emotionally ground down.

You also need UV filtering sunglasses, or you’re making things WORSE for your eyes, because your pupil may dilate behind the glasses and thus let in more UV light into your eyes - including stray light coming from the sides.