
Um, drugs? I’m gonna go with drugs.

Maybe we don’t need to go quite as gritty as Craig was, getting strapped naked to a chair and having his balls annihilated in the very first movie etc... lol Maybe something along the lines of Timothy Dalton would be more reasonable. It would also steer the tone of the movies away from the extreme level of violence

Ok, fuck you too then, and your shitty attitude.

Hm, I’d say bring back the Russkies as main villains... Daddy Vladdy has made Russia far more of a threat* to the world than the Soviets ever managed - they’re essentially primed already as Bond villains.

lol I’d go watch every single one of those Bonds just to piss off absolute twats like you whiny insecure people.

There are much worse people than these walking the halls of corporate and government power every single day. You can’t kill any of them even though they may deserve it far more.

Psychopathy. The thing that has killed more human beings than anything else since the dawn of time.

Death penalty isn’t a punishment, it’s an escape. When you’re dead you’re just dead. Also, capital punishment “done right” (I don’t actually believe there is such a way) isn’t cheap either, usually takes decades to murder a prisoner with all the appeals and whatnot. And still innocents get killed all the time in the

These jokers all look like double-digit IQ psychopathic trash, not one of them would make even a half-decent Charles Manson or Jim Jones. The one that appears to have been the ‘leader’ seems to have stated outright his intent was to sow chaos - you don’t need much of a brain for that, and with the brain he has, chaos

Why do Murrican cops arrest people for every single fucking thing? Seriously, for some shitty trivial thing like this just hand out a fine and be on your way.

The Brits by and large are the white trash of Europe. They have the Jerry Springer-like TV shows to prove it too. (Trashy Rupert Murdoch-owned tabloids as well btw.)

Weird take. I don’t know if there’s actually any uses for quasiparticle wave sources that stupid & evil people could have.

Haven’t had any for years and years actually...

Harry currently resides in the US, does he not? If so, you just need some sneaky wetworks operator with insufficient enough scruples to murder a toddler...

This, in short, appears to be what Andreessen and his cohort believe.

What is this lunatic thinking he’s going to accomplish by rebooting Star Wars - copy George Lucas’ success? Hardly. Lucas came along and essentially filled a void (which we did not know was there) at a particular time in western culture; you can’t repeat that. It’s unrepeatable. Luke Skywalker and all that jazz are

Dude, you can just elect to stop watching it. That’s all it takes.

Why is it that we have Muskrat still making all of these announcements, even though he supposedly hired someone to run the tweeterino for him, months ago already?

Meta says the bug

I think Apple’s values when it comes to China is pretty tidily summed up by the fact it was at an Apple factory that workers rather killed themselves than continuing working there.