
Yes I know I went out of scope, but it’s worth mentioning once in a while what is really at stake here. No fucking alarmism or nothing, it’s not about who’s privileged or not etc. Nature itself doesn’t give a shit about your stressed-out daily life, the biosphere will collapse if we keep on the way we’re going, it’s

Sort of convinced at this point that Elon actually is Cave Johnson in disguise...

Oooh. You’re starting to get me excited!

I don’t own any car at all. My dad has a Renault Zoe though (3rd gen, with the 52kWh battery pack), and we’ve taken road trips in it over several days which was really smooth and successful. That was summertime though, so not over any snow-covered mountains.

YOU are the one playing semantic games - I made a very short and straight-forward observation, and you’re the one who’s twisting and turning to try and make what I said into something entirely different (why?) - this constant and bizarre strawmanning just makes you sound paranoid and less than honest. I never said

What should they call it instead? Switcher, maybe, to be followed up by Switchest? :P

“The devices would have gotten us killed,” one of the testers said, according to a document seen by Insider.

Buying all of these:

Nazis aren’t terribly tasteful either, yet there’s such a figurine. Speaking of which, where’s Ole Trenchcoat’s coathanger accessory, hm? And is his hand branded out of the box, perhaps...? So many questions!

Let me likewise acknowledge you’re not wrong in any of these remarks, but I would like to point out that their seriousness is often exaggerated by quite a bit by the usual players. Ok, so EV efficiency is lower in the cold, but so what. People can adjust.

Note that I didn’t say it’s not allowed to criticize the Israeli government (strawmanning is a classic far right self-victimization tool), just that the term “zionist propaganda” is an old nazi slur - which it fucking well is.

Want to talk ahead of their time? Check out Lucasfilm’s Habitat. :)

“Zionist propaganda”... Wow, that’s bold. Always cool to see antisemitic Nazi slurs from the 1930s get dusted off and re-purposed in a new and different time period.

The worst thing about Faux spinning people up into frothing rages is that so much of what they say over there are just outright lies. They call themselves a news channel, but then they lie lie lie all day long, tearing down the fabric of society with disinformation deliberately and methodically. It’s what they do over

I find Muskrat partnering with a horrific racist cunt to be entirely on-brand, so good job there I really must say...

“It wasn’t me! I didn’t do anything.”

Ok, cool, but I wasn’t making a literal comparison with the ‘80s, I was just likening the general state of AI with the general state of home computers in the 1980s - as in we haven’t seen the full potential of AI (and maybe we don’t want to, if we know what’s best for us - other discussion though!), because we haven’t


Your post is so fucking absurd it’s making me laugh like a 12-year-old. lol
