
How would this work if you’re switching between Android and iOS devices? You’d still need the password when you sign in for the first time on a device that hasn’t set up any biometric information yet, wouldn’t you.


“Woop woop woop woop!”

I mean exactly what I wrote.

Biden is statistically very likely to die inside his next term. Incidentally, Dump is almost as likely to die as well.

The making of this movie really shows how movie studio execs don’t know the first fucking thing about making movies or what makes a movie great (or bad, for that matter...)

You had me until you (indirectly) dissed Donkey. Nobody disses Donkey!

I’m sure you did, but that doesn’t mean it’s necessarily true.

Ooooh that nasty green CCP energy! Gotta watch out for that! Seriously, this is pants-on-head level of fucking stupid.

Nothing you just said is a reason we shouldn’t be getting OFF of oil ASAP. That’s what this is all about.

Completely wrong. Both solar panels and wind turbines outcompete fossils on price/kWh of produced electricity. Electric vehicles are cheaper to run (way cheaper typically, and especially if you have solar panels on your home and are making your own electricity) than cancer-spewer cars. They also don’t spew cancer all

So essentially, the megalomaniacal dunning-kruger dumbshit turned what’s left of tweeter’s ravaged carcass into a real-world rickroll generator?

Reporting someone who’s being abusive to the proper authorities is the right thing to do and exactly what I’m advocating for.

Well it says right there in your quote that he is going to go to prison.

Abusers aren’t aware of consequences, they simply don’t expect to get caught. Just as with any other criminal; even capital punishment isn’t deterring murderers, etc.

Oh, it’s part of the online experience. And I’ve been around the block a few times (since the 1980s lol), so no worries.

This guy’s also small fry when it comes to abusing people. Those in this thread slamming me are getting all hung up on the wrong thing, when there are so so many people out there who are much much worse than this jonathan whatsisname or whatever.

Lots of people who deserve it don’t go to jail; Matt Gaetz isn’t going to jail either for example despite trafficking minors for sexual purposes.


iphone 4 really was a great phone and an overall crazy huge upgrade from the previous model, I used one myself for three years and then my dad used it for several more years. The antenna issue was generally overblown I would say, the phone worked just fine as long as you didn’t have sweaty hands - or simply put a