
Prison time does not seem like the correct sentence in this case, not when the man was described as delusional and psychotic in the trial itself.

Basically almost nothing you just stated is true. Teslas don’t use common platforms between all models; S and X use their own, 3 and Y use another (now that both 3 and Y use gigacastings.) Cyberturd will be a third platform.

There’s a difference between raising awareness of a problematic and/or dangerous person (up to and including advocating boycotting his movies), and trying to get said person FIRED FROM THEIR JOB.

Which is why I said the justice system should deal with this guy.

No, I’m not irrational, I’m just pointing out the futility and hypocrisy of going after one guy who’s been accused of one specific thing, when there’s far more such people out there in society at large.

Well not any womenbeating ones, that’s for sure.

The phone isn’t melting, calm the fuck down.

You must be living on some alternate planet, because the way I remember it he was very widely panned and ridiculed for sending such an outrageous and insulting statement to a paying customer. It’s not for nothing you still see people using “you’re holding it wrong” as a meme to this very day.

Bla bla bla wa wa wa.

There’s a super fine video on youtube of four of these babies (shuttle version) doing their thing, running at max power and dancing in unison etc (gimbaling) from a few years ago in preparation for the original Artemis launch.

The engine itself might possibly fit, if you don’t mind it sticking up way high above the cab/over the sides (center of gravity would be an issue lol), but the exhaust bell certainly won’t...and neither would the required cryogenic reactant tanks either of course. :P

Meh. People have been saying for years and years now that legacy brands will “throw their weight around” and “crush tesla” and so on. Never happened. You know why? Because in the EV space, tesla is the big dog. By far. And they’re the only one to my knowledge who is building EVs in a manner that is highly profitable.

No it isn’t. But by all means do continue to get distracted like a kitten by meaningless laser pointers if it makes you happy, because you’re NEVER going to solve men’s violence against women by cancelling one hollywood actor at a time. The very idea is completely, utterly laughable and preposterous.

What about all the other womanbeaters out there? Why should only hollywood actors be put out into unemployment?

I hate to break it to you, but womanbeaters exist absolutely EVERYWHERE. Beating up women is a cherished male tradition going back thousands of years. Very likely, one of your own neighbors is a womanbeater.

Interview him in text form. These videos suck, they contain almost no information and more importantly: I don’t come here to watch fuckin videos!

Could we all not like, fall over ourselves in our hurry to get actors we don’t like fired from everything?

I can’t take credit; I didn’t come up with that... lol Some other master commenter here wrote the first sentence first, and I just re-purposed their words. :D

Sounds more like an Apple problem than a BMW problem, honestly.

Single-wheel skateboards are an inherently terrible idea though. Even Fischer-Price couldn’t make them safe. :P