
Tell me what vehicle design isn’t “inherently unsafe”. You won’t find a single one.

Hey failtroll, how come “the best” presiderp’s underlings were all calling him stuff like stupid, idiot, fucking moron, crazy and insane behind his back? lol Hey failtroll, how come “the best” presiderp kept hiring people - “the best people” - who he later fired, or turned on him? lol

Yeah, those coal barons LOVE doing things the hard way. That’s why they favor straight pipes from their furnaces right up into the atmosphere. :P

You can’t be fired from something you were never hired to do in the first place - that’s the problem with all of this gigconomy shit. AND, by the way, the express purpose of said gigconomy: no employees, no responsibility. You can wash your hands of everything. Shit, these black cab companies have done as much up to

With a name like “bing” though, a lot of people can’t help seeing it as a fucking joke. Add Microsoft’s increasingly desperate attempts to force people to use bung against their will (via various Win 11 integrations that can’t be changed), and you only strengthen that impression.

The whole Saw concept is fucking sick and demented. Anyone who finds shit like that entertaining is seriously warped, mentally.

If only he could hit 88, then you’d see some serious shit!

Lowering taxes just makes you even poorer. You live paycheck to paycheck because politicians have lied to you all your life telling you stories about bootstraps and the murrican dream, all while actively working to make the already rich richer at your expense.

Certainly ‘70s-like hairdo on one of the kids. :)

Jeff Bezos’s flying penis remains grounded, surely you mean.

Where’s the big flashing yellow lights that alert the surroundings when these glasses are recording video?

Every single music industry CEOs and other executives probably would agree... :P

A what?

Oh, that bad boy Hugo, up to no good again I see!

And they weren’t doing that already before humans started burning dead dinosaurs?

You Murricans must be doing it wrong, like with so much else that is environment-related, we’re successfully recycling a bunch of varieties of plastics here in Europe. It’s very doable, and we’re coordinating industry within the EU to standardize plastics use within the food industry for example (rather than using

A strained comparison - news reporting is not suddenly made nearly impossible by the disappearance of news distribution on Facebonk. Not by a long shot.

Breathing doesn’t add carbon dioxide to the Earth’s atmosphere - the carbon which is locked into the biosphere is essentially constant (over the short term, geologically speaking) - you eat an apple, your body digests and metabolizes the apple, and as a result you breathe out carbon dioxide - which was an apple, and

Whoah, news students in a bind after Facebonk shut down news on the site? I wonder how news reporters managed in the past before there was such a thing as Facebonk, or, you know, the internet in general.

Well you know what they say - most of the time reality tends to trump fiction... I don’t know if Sir Brian May has defeated any aliens though, so maybe not in this particular case. :P