Kinja Kardashian

I can definitely see why Braun is at the top. I have had the Braun 7505 since 2003 and it still works great!

I can definitely see why Braun is at the top. I have had the Braun 7505 since 2003 and it still works great!

Ahhhh. AgentRockstar is mine forevaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

I feel this will be the greatest accomplishment of the rest of my life.

People who smoke e-cigarettes should be banned from life.

Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark.

Michael Keaton as Batman. Remember how we all reacted to him playing Batman?

They kind of got New York though.

Both sides of this are bring fucking horrible. It was stupid to give the Jews Israel by pushing the Palestinians off their land. If America REALLY felt bad about the atrocities committed against the Jews in the Holocaust, we should have given them Florida as a new homeland.

But why are there wikipedia articles about those persons in the first place? Everyone can understand the presence of articles about people of the public life, stars, politicians. But why on earth are there articles about criminals? If you want to know the history of a person, demand to see his criminal file (as an

The ONLY reason I didn't walk out on this shitpile of a movie was because my friend, visiting from out of town, bought the ticket. If I had gone on my own I would've been GONE. Fucking terrible. I wasn't really enamored with the first one, and this didn't really look that great in trailers but I went anyway. Even Emma

I would say that it is necessary to set all fedoras on fire.

Not gonna lie. I'm in my late 30's and so is my wife...and we LOVE these movies. We have no idea why.

I'll have him fired immediately

dat username... bravo

You see a lot of that same fervor in the modern cocktail movement, with folks in suspenders pushing Amaros and Fernets.

Hops are the worst. Every single bar in vancouver is part of the fucking craft beer movement now. I don't even mind hops but I'm tired of every craft brewery making carbonated hops and calling it beer. "hey guys, we're making a ___ style beer, but with HOPS" fuck off, they all taste the same.

Can we please get over the Hoppy-beer trend now? I'm quite sick of going to my favorite growler-filler only to find 4 Hoppy beers on tap. The acidity kills me.

Give me nice strong Belgian doubles and triples, Barleywines, Brown ales and lagers. No yellow or black beer for me.

I enjoy most types of beer, but IPA's always taste like someone sprayed perfume in my glass.

IPA's aren't bad, but I'm kinda getting sick of how overwhelmingly prevalent they are compared to other beers. I live in San Diego, a great craft beer city, but I see a lot of these small craft breweries that make 7 different IPA's and maybe a couple stouts, and that's it. Lately I've been gravitating towards Amber

Seconded! I love malty beer, and hate hops. Taste like grandma's perfume.

Can we please just get over IPAs and put an end to this race to the bottom to see who can make the hoppiest beer...