Kinja Kardashian

Well, I hope the film is better than the trailer.

Anything to black out season three from my memory.

Sometimes I feel like I don’t even know what “hipster” means. It’s all too often trotted out as a term for any sort of behavior or appearance that you don’t like. Don’t get me wrong. I too hate those damned hipsters and all that stuff they do and wear that I don’t like.

I don’t have anything to add to this, but I wanted to stop by to see what the fuss was all about. 34 stars? Seems excessive. Also BoomTownBoss’s avatar is generic and he/she should feel bad about that.

Getting this upset about other people’s computer preferences and glorious rebuttal about “Big hairy cock” sure makes me value your opinion.

1. No more bitching from Hamilton Nolan about housing.
2. No more Hamilton Nolan articles.

I just love it when people bring up poor China labor conditions to bash Apple.

First World Problems: Complaining about White Privilege in Emojis

This is insane... Not that the emojis are coming, but the racket it has caused...

I wish Alison Brie was in the running.

A must for any 80's kid.

The nature of photography has not changed. The kind of people taking photographs has. A good photographer can take a good photo regardless of the tools/process. A crappy photographer...well, we are pretty certain what won't happen.

I feel like someone didnt read the article

The film cost about $10m to make. Lucas was paid $150k to write and direct. $7k for voice work seems like a good deal to me.

GoyerSnyde's approach to adapting DC characters is to get everything wrong, but throw in bits and pieces from beloved stories as a dog whistle for the fans, even if they're ripped violently out of context.


As someone who has never met you and lives in New York City, I support this decision.

I don't... What?

Just a heads up: Water contains an ingredient found in anti-freeze.

In other words "flight attendants really liked telling people they had to turn off their devices."