Kinja Kardashian


Well-made or not, all of this stuff is for amateurs who wander about cities looking for things to shoot. I work professionally, 12-16 hours per day; I throw my gear into a Pelican and carry it while shooting. My equipment is just that equipment. Tools. No need to baby it.

Well-made or not, all of this stuff is for amateurs who wander about cities looking for things to shoot. I work

Years ago, I was in Alaska, near Wasilla. I was with a few lads; myself a passenger in a Chevy Tahoe. We pulled up alongside an older Rolls. I asked the lads to quiet down. I lowered my window and motioned to the driver of the Rolls to do the same. I asked, “Pardon me, do you have any Gran Poupon?” He looked at me for

It’s not the show. You’re experiencing the results of a confluence of effects, beginning with the reversal of white flight. The show is emblematic of a much bigger issue.

This is how reality TV works and should be no surprise to anyone but the most naive.

God, I hate Millennials.

They look like they work at the Death Star cafeteria.

No, you don’t.

I think you mean hang a thousand.

Anedctodally, Tinder is responsible for me getting Chlamydia twice this year. I got divorced late last year and went on a bit of a tear. Tinder made it easy.

Give me half a chance.

Shut the fuck up.

I'm always surprised at how stiff they pour drinks here in Portland.

The Nolan trilogy is awful. It’s just as dark, serious, and overwrought. The character development is non-existent and it’s overly reliant on thematics. You could remove the villains from each film and the narrative wouldn't suffer. That's not a good sign.

Well, I hope the film is better than the trailer.

It’s a TV show; get over it. You should reexamine your priorities.

My guess is that the changes are to accommodate a physical badge on a physical car hood/grill.

Notice how it's only black dudes riding these things.

Bullshit. I used Tinder recently on a two-week vacation, ended up meeting a dozen women, and sleeping with half of them. If you are failing at Tinder it’s because your profile sucks.

Sodomy and chill.