Kinja Kardashian

wow "rock pajamas". "we aren't flying for the benefit of those around us." Not sure I've heard a phrase more represent the general attitude in American society today. Fuck everyone else. I do what want. I'll look like shit lol don't care #yolo. That's exactly what I want to fly around.

It's a much cheaper and happier result than spending more than twice that on an unappreciative bitch.

Am I the only one who hates video posts. With all the video clips, news, reviews, etc lately I feel like I'm encroaching on a "get off my lawn!" Part of my life... But I just want to read, not watch ;/ I don't want to listen to other people.

Who rides their bike with a cup of coffee?

Unless coffee shops and major chains have agreed to start using this lid, we won't be seeing them anytime soon.

oh you.

Betterer solution: Buy a Kin.

Game of thrones is so fucking retarded. Like my cousin.

I am going to be so glad when this shit goes the way of breaking bad and everyone shuts the fuck up about it.

I think the word is Schweinsteiger.

While we're at it, why not go for the set?

They are, it's called 'Marriage' lololol

There is nothing wrong with any of the casting decisions.

Wow - those sample pics suck.

This is one of the worst fucking songs ever, and I'm removing Gizmodo from my bookmarks bar.

Good. Now maybe they will actually enforce the size restriction at the gate, instead of letting assholes board with carry-on's large enough to support an Everest expedition.

Truly remarkable. If I didn't know any better, I'd say those alien landscapes look like the insides of garbage bags.

so you couldn't have put in the extra effort to tell WHY its fundamental to cancer reaearch? Instead continue on with this stupid "sploid" bs and make me do the leg work, not the reason I come to this website

That's like, a matryoshka doll of fails.

"Something something–Steve Jobs evil jerk–something something–ooh, it's so magical–something something–Reality Distortion Field–something something–walled garden–something Google–dismissal of great achievement."