Kinja Kardashian

That's an improvement, but it's still cluttered. These guys need to look at for an example.

You like "Life Aquatic" but didn't like "The Grand Budapest Hotel"? I'd say you don't really appreciate Wes Anderson's films. "Life Aquatic" was slow and charmless compared to "The Grand Budapest Hotel".

There's two type of Murray fans. There's the kind that have always loved him, that grew up with him, from Caddyshack on. Then there's the kind the like him because he was in a Wes Anderson movie and played himself in "Zombieland". They buy t-shirts adorned with his face and mostly like him because the Internet says

As if the world needed another reason to avoid Florida.

Won't happen. Disney is for kids. Get 'em young, so they pester their parents to keep throwing money at merch for years.

Gamers are, hands down, the whiniest group of people bar none.

At the risk of trite; it's business, don't take it personally.

This is both a non-story and not something worth giving twins shits about.

They have to reboot it if they go with an all-female cast, otherwise they'd have to acknowledge the previous cast and explain why they're all women now.

I'm down with a new cast, a mix of ages, gender, whatever, but an all female-cast reeks of girl power and that isn't a movie I want to see.

Please no.

So what?

Stop trying to sound like a three-year old girl.

If played deftly, Keaton has all the opportunity to be the next Murray: The actor Millennials vaguely remember yet tout as a favorite from their childhood.

So many tits.

This is solved by verbally claiming your space upfront. I fly frequently and the first thing I do once seated is to politely verbally establish who gets which portion of the shared armrest with my seat mate. It's a playful way of disarming an uncomfortable situation. Should they encroach on my space, whether at my

Meh. I was underwhelmed. Sure, it's a spectacle in terms of scale, but I think it's ugly and a testament to self-aggrandizement more than anything else.

No explanation... must be aliens.

The Playstation controller and its various iterations transcend its function. It's iconic. It's also much more ergonomic and comfortable than the Xbox variants, in my opinion.

I know hops are one of the four primary ingredients. That's not what I'm talking about. These days, the craft beer movement places too heavy an emphasis on hops. It's a race to put out the hoppiest IPA possible, as if that's the only flavor beer drinkers should enjoy. I'm tired of the judgement of morons when I