Kinja Kardashian

In before the hops apologists start vomiting their textual diarrhea.

Get rid of Hamilton Nolan.

Less click-baiting with headlines.

Please publish fewer posts simply reposting content from other sites that consist of nothing more than one or two sentences.

It's like Aritzia for women who can't think.

You've just proved my point.

They don't like beer. They're like people who are into cameras but don't really care for photography.

The problem with hoppy beers versus bitter foods is the fetishization of hoppy beer and the lengths neck beards will go to to force themselves to like said hoppy beers in order to belong.

Hops, a fetishization of beer.

Yup. The articles often contain reams of text when a fucking table will do.

Like a scene out of Saving Private Ryan.

Latin America.

It's a continent full of grown man-children raised in homes with an absence of strong male figures. There's no honor, no respect for the community, only uncharitable praying and selfishness. They cry like babies.


It's even worse when the video is instructional. Seven minutes of inane video or three paragraphs of copy? Hmm...

What's that feel like?

The same dipshits that commute on bikes purpose-built for track racing, festooned with components designed for, ugh, bike polo.

That sounds like something the average person should fear.

Better solution: Buy an iPhone.

Not entirely true. They often compose their shots to showcase the VFX and it often looks awkward.