Dances with Peeps

Many years ago, I worked in a department store, much like a Macy’s, in the housewares department. We would occasionally have demonstrators showing off the different products, and they would prepare samples of food. We would see the same little old ladies whenever there was going to be free food.

I’m raising two sons. It is not fun. My older son is a lot like me, rather Aspergery, questioning, and logical. Show him something that is logical, such as feminism, and he’ll go with it. He’s very easy to get to see the other side of an argument. Not that there haven’t been issues, but once I show him proof, he gets

The only Austen I managed to finish was Pride and Prejudice, and that was in high school when I read nearly everything I could get my hands on. Never finished anything by Dickens; in fact, I don’t think I ever even finished ten pages.

I don’t think she knew that. Her intro says she’s a novice sewer, so my guess is she read the phrase, either didn’t get what it meant or forgot at some point, then thought it would be perfect for her blog.

Scott Walker.

I’ve backed three games on Kickstarter; one didn’t make funding, one is still in development years later, and one sort of delivered.

I live for having a cold, metal instrument shoved into my delicate ladyparts, stretching them wide, the lovely scraping sensation of the collection tool, followed, after removal, by two fingers shoved inside my bits for the removal of my last shred of dignity.

I was a fertile Myrtle. I could have made bank at my neighborhood abortion mill. Why did no one tell me about this?!

Another good reason for a dashcam: tweaks.

If it streams to your phone, will it then upload automatically to cloud storage if your phone is set for that?

The first Russian dashcam video I saw online was this same scam, or at least a driver not paying attention when backing up. The driver with the dashcam got out, chatted for a moment, then pointed out the camera, at which point the other driver gave up and drove away. I’m going to get one soon, because there are a lot

I am old enough for grandpa rock, but I'm not stuck there. One of my coworkers has her radio set to an oldies station, and it's good I don't sit next to her, because I would have smashed it to pieces years ago. How can you listen to the same music for 50 years?

Sure, dude, you look 30, but only to my 90-year old grandmother.

Was he a crap lay? Guys who go chasing after virginal types seem to be lame and/or selfish at sex.

How could Ellie have forgotten this dress?

Reminds me a little too much of this:

Olive is a horrible, screwed up person. If you can handle that, you should enjoy it. Personally, I couldn't understand why it wasn't a murder mystery where they tried to sort through an entire town of suspects after her body is found bludgeoned, beaten, hanged, stabbed, shot, and floating in the river.

I’m so old I saw it when it was first out.

Yes, I’m sure that’s her. The name Harriman rings an old bell.

I’m sorry. I hope it will not last much longer.