The other option is to watch Rosalind Russell movies and copy her style. Auntie Mame is a gem on how to deal with all kinds of people.
The other option is to watch Rosalind Russell movies and copy her style. Auntie Mame is a gem on how to deal with all kinds of people.
Nicole Richie, who does Rehab Addict, reworks the original cabinets a lot in her show. She’ll strip and refinish, then rearrange them. She usually has a professional do serious refinishing and rehanging, especially if she needs a corner cabinet added or altered.
That’s the way my grandmother taught me. Mix salt into softened butter, slather it inside and out, then wrap the chicken in turkey or foil until a half hour before it’s done, remove the foil. Perfectly moist bird with delicious skin.
You don’t want to use the OTC stuff anyway. You’re literally putting poison on your skin. The “expert” in the article who claimed that home remedies don’t work, has obviously never tried or done it properly.
Oil your head. Wrap it in plastic wrap. Put a shower cap over the whole mess. Leave it on overnight. The next morning, shampoo thoroughly, then rinse with vinegar. Cheap, white vinegar is fine. Comb out with a lice comb. Keep rinsing every morning with vinegar. If you’re still combing out lice after a couple of days,…
I was excessively bummed when I had to get a new DVR and lost that episode. Stupid DVR.
If you love it, buy it. To Hades with the haters.
The napkin goes on your lap as soon as you sit down. I went to one restaurant many years ago—I think this is old school and not done anymore—where the waiter shook out and carefully dropped the napkin onto my lap after seating me. This was the kind of restaurant where the waiter held the seat for the men after seating…
Somehow, due to cheap magazine subscriptions, I now have a subscription to Wired through 2021, and I don’t even read it anymore.
Somehow, due to cheap magazine subscriptions, I now have a subscription to Wired through 2021, and I don’t even read…
My grandfather and uncle both drove trucks in the younger days. Different world then.
Never used, but my ex is my ex because of it. Meth can be swallowed, snorted, smoked or injected.
There was one of those news shows where they secretly filmed hotel maids. The maids would rinse dirty glasses, then shine them with furniture polish, instead of washing them or taking them to be washed. I've used a reusable hotel item since, except towels.
Meth is the cocaine of the Midwest.
There was a chemist who murdered his neighbor with thallium in her Coca-Cola. Here’s an article on thallium poisoning murders:
I try to avoid gendered swear words, but all I can come up with after reading this is variations on cunt.
Heyer is the author who got me into historical romances. I kind of dropped romances while still in my twenties, but I love remembering the thrill I got from reading those romances. She was my gateway. I then moved on to Jean Plaidy, who led to my fascination with the Tudors and Plantagenets.
I flew down to Comicon for one day several years ago, but I'm a white , middle-aged woman, so even though the one-day turnaround did get me questioned, they let me through.
Men can do the traditional, quickie divorce, repeating three times, “I divorce you.” But there are rules about returning dowries and other things, like any jewelry and gifts she received during the marriage. I’m not Muslim, so I don’t know the standards. Women have to go to court, and the judges are religious,…
I saw that photo and immediately thought, "This is your brain on toxoplasmosis."
Spencer jackets. I have a weird fixation on Spencer jackets. The only reason I don’t have one is because I have absolutely nothing I wear that would work with them.