Dances with Peeps

Have you heard whether Gawker dropped the idea of merging io9 and Gizmodo?

This is kind of heartbreaking:

Nope. Whatever good it may do, it has disproportionately caused suffering and misery around the world at a much greater rate, and continues to do so today. Give me a list of good things, and I can give you a list ten times longer of bad.

Bullshit. The Catholic hospitals are fully into it for the profit. They choose to put their hospitals in underserved areas because it gives them a monopoly and control over the care patients receive.

The five Catholic justices have made way too many decisions based not on the rule of law but on their personal religious beliefs.

She loves the attention. She is loving every minute of it. When this is all over, she’ll keep chasing it.

She makes $80,000 a year. That’s a fortune in Kentucky.

I read an interview with Gabrielle Union years ago, and it included her beauty regime. The one thing that stuck with me was that she said she sleeps flat on her back so she doesn’t squish wrinkles into her face or neck.

I’m white, and I’ve heard this crap from my family. Not the immediate family, but some cousins I don’t talk to anymore. Frankly, I have children I didn’t want thanks to my ex. I’ve given up a lot of things as a result to care for them, because, of course, he doesn’t. They don’t know this, and I will never tell them.

This has gone on since prehistory. This is not new. Many states still have laws that allow a husband to kill his wife if he kills in the heat of the moment after finding out she cheated on him or catching her in the act.

I think I’ll go home and rewatch Versailles ‘73.

I loved the costuming in Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. Would wear everything.

This is why it’s so dangerous to have so many Catholics on the Supreme Court.

Yes, I did, and no, it didn't.

His behavior went on for some time, escalating from verbal to physical, and these cops did nothing. When he fired the shot, it wasn’t cops who stepped in, but another hotel employee.


How much did those movies cost? What are Cruise’s points of the gross? How much did marketing cost? Unless those movies make a minimum of three times their cost, then they lost money. DVD sales and merchandising help, but those movies don’t have merchandising deals, unlike the superhero movies, or children’s movies.

Well, here’s a list of the movies Cruise has done since Mission Impossible III. How many of these were blockbusters? Ghost Protocol was. The rest either barely made it into the black, or failed. Calling any star “bankable” is out of date. Very few people go to see a certain actor anymore.

But they’re not a safe bet. How much money have they spent on Tom Cruise films that failed? Do they quit funding his movies? No.

They altered the Salt script once they cast Angelina to make her husband less helpless, because helpless wife is okay saved by spy husband is okay, but helpless husband saved by spy wife is not.