I’m sick to death of the people saying, “The Duggar kids are always happy and smiling, so they’re obviously a great Christian family.” No, they’re fucking not. They’re beaten unless they act happy.
I’m sick to death of the people saying, “The Duggar kids are always happy and smiling, so they’re obviously a great Christian family.” No, they’re fucking not. They’re beaten unless they act happy.
I just started using Anastasia tinted eyebrow gel and haven’t had a reaction, and I’m Ms. Sensitive. BUT, I know I have weird reactions to everyday items, so who knows.
Drove me nuts. The last season of Justified was great but definitely needed Sam Mustache.
That’s what maids are for.
Celebrity Ghost Stories was the best. I’d either get creeped out or scream “Bullshit!” After his episode, Jeff Ross actually seemed like a human to me, instead of an asshole with too much hair.
I’ve worked in both department stores and call centers, and the call centers were less stressful. Being able to wear more comfortable clothes, no makeup, and sit in a chair was a start, but the biggest difference was not having to be face to face with the assholes. One place, whenever we got someone freaking out—there…
The really annoying customers are the ones who assume you don’t have a degree and/or aren’t smart enough to hold a “better” job.
When I was young, I could do it. Now, pffft. I’m friendly and helpful to my coworkers and managers at my lovely office job, but the idea of working retail again makes me freak out internally. I can just manage that BS with the people I know and have to deal with; to deal with strangers every day again would end up…
I want to toss them into the enclosures. Darwinist Activism.
Way back in the days before dirt, our family went on a trip to Yellowstone with my uncle’s family. My uncle was usually pretty cool, but he decided to be a dick and scare the crap out of his wife. We were stuck waiting to enter Yellowstone after having been outside the park for a day trip (we were in cabins at…
You marry the dictator, spin your web, off him, and take over.
That’s complete bullshit. Rape is a crime, a violent crime, and should be treated that way. GoT has been using rape as cheap filler and titillation material.
I would bet he was making his own base and screwed up. They share some ingredients, but definitely not everything Dannels listed.
Looking at the ingredients, you might as well buy the Sinful Colors for a buck.
I’ll stick to Nubar and Butter, thanks.
My U.S. history teacher in high school sat on a victrola disc a student had brought in.
That’s because his last name is Prinze, not Prince
I’ve always kept my personal email accounts separate and unaccessible. If your spouse demands that info, then they’re either psychos or they suspect you’re cheating.