Dances with Peeps

The religion infantilizes men and women. They start with blanket training as soon as the baby can start moving around on it’s own. They are beating babies. The children grow up slaves. They are homeschooled and usually homechurched. They have almost no contact with anyone outside their family and a few fellow

Actually, no, she can’t decide. She has no agency. The marriage was apparently arranged by the parents, and Anna did what she was taught she must do: obey her father until she’s married.

I think Ryan Reynolds is always playing Ryan Reynolds and Blake is his perfect audience. I don’t think he can handle the other person in the relationship appearing to have as much of or more of a life or career than he does.

Anna isn’t allowed to decide. She has been taught that she must follow the orders of her husband or father or whatever male is head of the household. She has been taught that her husband cheating on her is partially or all her fault. She has been taught that keeping her marriage together is more important that how she

Josh is homechurched, that is, his dad is the preacher, which is very common in Quiverfull. It’s about as isolating a movement as you can get.

Managers can be bad about this, but many of them feel the wrath of the head office if a customer complains. It doesn’t matter that someone who rips off the company isn’t really a customer, corporate doesn’t care. Corporate doesn’t want to deal with complaints.

That is my favorite episode so far.

You have not seen the comments on the linked article about this. Ugh.

It’s much easier than the one I had previously.

It’s much easier than the one I had previously.

The one I have has an all metal head and it has a pause setting.

The one I have has an all metal head and it has a pause setting.

It’s up to each person. Some people manage to make it work, mostly, by being able to set boundaries and making it clear those boundaries must be respected. But, not everyone can do that, and many parents will never respect their children enough to recognize them as separate and individual humans.

This, plus a shower arm extender for us taller people, plus the pause mode is good for those of us who life in California. Everyone in the family actually likes this.

This, plus a shower arm extender for us taller people, plus the pause mode is good for those of us who life in

It’s a good thing I’m not She-Hulk. The trail of bodies I would leave . . .

I’ve had a few of those late, heavy periods, and every one of them was a relief.

See, I disagree. Knowing that you don’t have to worry about what happens after death has given me, and many others, a freedom from fear of failure.

per Urban Dictionary: It’s an acronym for “Off The Derekh.” “Derekh” is the Hebrew word for “path,” alluding to the pat that G-d delineates in the Bible which every righteous Jew must follow. Can be used to describe a person, an object, or an idea.

Go away, now. Now.

I haven’t seen my parents in almost sixteen years. I haven’t spoken to them in over ten. It was the choice I had to make, but it’s not an easy one. I truly wish you the best.

But only if her husband gives her permission.

So someone did a Six Feet Under Nate?