
All of the anecdotes and statements made in the article suggest to me that there was no way Betts didn’t know. I live in the same kind of area where, one way or another, people will get into your business, especially if they are related to you. And, if I’m correct, Betts is 10000 X the monster we already know about.

I really, really hope that this wasn’t a crime because of Jordan’s gender identity (I guess, really I just wish it never happened), but based on some of the misogynist shit the shooter said in the past, it would not be surprising.

I’ll admit that I got sucked into paying hundreds and hundreds of dollars in FIFA loot boxes last year in no small part because they *did* show the odds of a rare item. Oh, if I buy these cheap packs I only have a 1.4% chance of an 84+ player, but if I spend $40 and buy these expensive packs that are only available

% chance doesn’t even really help the problem of loot boxes. It’s like is cigarettes were sold in high schools, but to push back people demanding they stop selling them in schools, they put a little warning label on it that just says “Your chance of death will go up X% by smoking.” Targeting addicts and children will

Yet it’s really high on the profit list, at least in Canada, so someone is spending money to get their orbs.

Errr... it specifically says paid loot drop boxes in the second paragraph without respect to whether a game is single or multiplayer.

If you were regularly playing someone before you opened up chests in Skyrim, Oblivion, or Morrowind, I have some bad news ...

FEH is such a weird game cause they give you so many free orbs I really cant see people paying for it.

I’ll hope by now we all recognize the pattern the fascists use now.

Antifa hate is the biggest false equivalency of this decade.

Here are the numbers!
Use specifics so they can’t weasel out of the conversation.
In 2018, every single extremist-related killing in the US was perpetrated by a right wing terrorist.

Strange how you now have the likes of POTUS and some parts of the US media trying to argue that a group which opposes white supremacists, is itself a supremacy group. In the old days, I believe that they were called The Allies.

As usual. The people who make the most money working with their words...suck at working with words..

Ah yes... remember when Antifa blew up ... (checks notes) Ok, um...


“I hate people who hate fascists” is the sort of thing only a fascist would say.

“I am concerned about the rise of any group of hate. I don’t like it,” he said. “Whether it’s white supremacy, whether it’s any other kind of supremacy. Whether it’s Antifa.”

Or how about also pointing out that his administration is actively limiting *legal* immigration, as well after he says “I think you have to come in legally”? Good god, these fuckin’ reporters.

Sorry supreme pizzas everywhere, Trump says you have no place in society. You will no longer be able to lord over your fellow pepperoni, veggie, extra cheese or plain residents of the frozen food aisle anymore.

So he’s ok with the fact the white supremacist used the same language.