
Actively working to prevent a population with extremely high rates of suicide and homelessness from accessing homeless shelters, while working with an administration that has already begun stripping them of employment and civil rights, is REALLY REALLY FUCKING EVIL, friend.

It’s a little surreal how people will come here every day just to tell the journalists not to publish anything

and yet in other threads you jump down people’s throats for saying they find Biden discouraging.

maybe it's just that my social circle is primarily lesbians

Cool concern trolling coming from someone who maliciously misgenders anyone who disagrees with them in other sites' comment sections ;p

Hate speech and the incitement of violence are already not protected speech

Judging my trump’s recent babbling, the NRA will cheerfully accept massive systemic violence against the mentally ill over even a token effort to curb independent gun violence

What moral courage it must take to look at our mountain of murdered kids and insist that anyone who objects should be prepared for a “massive compromise” with members of your hobby club.

Sounds like the polar opposite of Shera.

Still sounds worth trying for my suicidal depression 

Fighting racism and having clinical depression is better than being racist and proud, yes. I’m glad we agree.

Wait, the play area is supposed to shrink in dodge ball? That makes sense, actually. We played without that rule in gym and the combination of my abused kid jumpiness and noodly arms incapable of throwing or catching lead to a lot of long standoffs between me and the entire other team.

I had one of the butchered cuts (The Princess and the Cobbler, I think) on vhs as a kid and while you could describe it as technically a complete film they would have been miles better off just letting him finish it. I definitely need to give Recobbled a watch.

But their moms say they’re tacti-cool! 

A lot of people on the left also have sad, difficult lives but we didn’t turn to violent fascism as a response.

How are the police supposed to do their jobs *and* attend the rally? 

This sounded like an all time great album until you dropped that it was made by two straight people as a comedy bit. (might still check it out though, a song with the lyric “straights are fools” sounds like a great way to weed out fake allies)

Do you charm a lot of “mates” with “Tarantino is an infallible genius actually and his obsession with violence against women’s feet is totally normal and cool"? Did you make all your exes watch Fight Club and The Boondocks Saints too? 

Kinja is a hellscape on mobile so I only read the first page and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be upset about. If it's really heinous feel free to tell me but otherwise stars are meaningless and stopped clocks etc 

Apparently he conforms perfectly to the party line on right wing issues (the rape/incest comment was part of an anti-abortion screed) and Republicans really don’t care about anything else.