
Maybe. Although that’s giving transphobes a lot of leeway. The arguments against transpeople aren’t much different than previous anti-gay or racist rhetoric. Same fear-mongering bigotry, different coat of paint. Either way, though. Ben Carson says bigoted things because he’s a bigot. He wouldn’t be working for this

To be a traitor, she’d have to pretend to give a damn about others. Nah. She’s only ever cared about money. Being a Republican has allowed her to live and continue to live a privileged life. Fame from the liberal media is nice, I’m sure, but not as lucrative as tax cuts from the Republicans - so that’s where her

I think some cisgender people are legitimately terrified by the idea that their gender is not some fixed eternal thing, and that their physical characteristics can significantly change from hormones. The way to counter the fear is to constantly reject the idea that trans people can actually change their bodies to fit

Yo, she just told you, Ron Fellows would love to focus on living a full life but he keeps losing his train of thought and getting uncontrollably angry. 

There’s a well-known survey in sports, known as the Goldman Dilemma. For it, a researcher, Bob Goldman, began asking elite athletes in the 1980s whether they would take a drug that guaranteed them a gold medal but would also kill them within five years. More than half of the athletes said yes. When he repeated the

You should use Ron Fellows’ quote instead.

Here’s the thing - most 22 year olds don’t have the wisdom or perspective to not agree to trade away decades of high quality life after age 50 in exchange for the good feels that they get from playing professional football. When you’re in your early 20s, you can’t fathom what life will be like at age 60 or 70, even if

This is a great article and whoever authorized an add for something called “” to be in the middle of it should be deeply ashamed of themselves. Take your online casinos, fold them six times and shove them up your ass until they come out of your mouth.

Did this sound good in your head? 

My dad has these same symptoms. First lost his drivers license, then couldnt be left alone, now deciding where he will live the rest of his days. A vibrant hard working man reduced to quiet or rage. It’s the absolute worst thing imaginable. He didn’t play football, but as a parent, there was no way I was letting a kid

You gonna credit Ron if she asks if you came up with that on your own?

And Colts fans booed Andrew Luck for walking away.

Certainly, if you’re fortunate enough to be able to focus on that, both cognitively and pragmatically.

I know we’re all dying in the Sylvia Plath sense but you’re not dying the way Chloe over there is dying.

absolutely and completely wrong. Incitement must be aimed at provoking “imminent lawless action” not theoretical, future or hypothetical action (Brandenburg V Ohio).

Hate speech is not a legal distinction, and is fully protected speech.  Whether an exception should be carved out is obviously the matter of some debate,

Not necessarily. Storyboarding is part of the pre-production process (obviously) but things like casting tend to be kind of simultaneous with pre-production. People take meetings, auditions are happening, producers and execs have their say, deals are struck - and broken - all up until shooting starts. And maybe beyond

Trump’s whole schtick was to make projects look like unicorns long enough to bait investors before they went up in flames. When will someone point out it’s the exact same pattern in his policies?

James Cameron drew matte paintings for Carpenter’s Escape from New York.

“Also, I didn’t know James could draw like that, which is fairly impressive in and of itself.”

Baldasaro had been diagnosed with cancer, Trump said during the rally, and he added that his apparent recovery and successful treatment were a testament to the changes to the Veterans Choice Program that Trump signed into law last year.