I don’t feel like it’s too complicated; these movies are garbage, Michelle Rodriguez is a national treasure, ergo I don’t really give a shit but she’s right.
I don’t feel like it’s too complicated; these movies are garbage, Michelle Rodriguez is a national treasure, ergo I don’t really give a shit but she’s right.
“I like opinionated women. Except when I don’t agree with them. Then, they’re “complicated”.”
The justice that’s being demanded is don’t immediately become best friends with his MURDERER. Not a huge ask.
But its also kind of true that screenwriters are pretty low on the totem pole on what is actually happening, right? He’s definitely not making final decisions on these movies.
I’m still not convinced that they ( the behind the scenes) aren’t some sort of clever viral marketing trap.
I like how he uses “best practice” as an excuse, completely ignoring the very problem with parading people down the street on a rope / leash being considered “best practice” to begin with.
most likely homeless infront of a business. That makes up at least 50% of criminal trespass cases.
Seriously. When I first read “criminal trespass” and “Texas,” I immediately thought: he’s black and homeless. He could have simply been sleeping in a parking lot or on a sidewalk.
What the bloody blue fuck??
Dylan Roof got Burger King after mowing down a black church.
Hello, police? There’s a black man where I don’t think he is supposed to be. As a white person, I feel threatened.
Criminal trespass - this isn’t even breaking and entering - it’s barely a crime. It could be as simple as being in someone’s yard.
Man it sure is strange how cops find it very easy to mistreat, humiliate, or even kill people of color in astonishingly racist ways. But they can bring in a dude who shot up a Wal-Mart with nary a scratch and with his dignity intact. Almost as if they’re-- nah it couldn’t be.
Black, Hispanic and Asian Unemployment is the lowest (BEST)
I’ll never understand why media sources can never say about politicians, “Dude says something he clearly doesn’t believe to make himself look better.”
It is incredible how the media outlets this man drags through the mud on a daily basis routinely fall over themselves to get into his good graces. It’s like how CNN actively seeks out whatever opportunities they can scrape up to call him “presidential”.
This is why nothing will change here. We don’t have the media, military or police on our side. We’re fucked.
At Gawker, they would have identified each one of those smug arrogant asswipes by name before running the story. Step up your game.
Never fuck a Republican.
“In the texts, and on the lists, he talked about destruction and dismemberment. I mean how did the police not know he was going to do something like what he did this weekend?” she said. “Everyone knew he was not right.”