
HR works for management to protect the company. The sooner people realize this, the sooner you will understand the true role of your HR deparment.

I wish that surprised me. Women in corporate America can be just as vicious as men, sometimes more so because they feel the need to demonstrate to their male colleagues that they’re not “one of those” women who takes lazy baby vacations. I once worked in a corporation where the entire management structure of our

I teach a unit on Media Literacy to my high schoolers and one type of fake news is actually poorly done “satire” sites. Major sites like the Onion are considered satire due to their higher quality and longevity. There are a LOT of small websites that claim to be satire but the content is simply not clever or good

Now playing

pigeons = white supremacists ; tree lizards = police state ; needle snakes = antifa ; gorilla = Joe Biden

I agree that the impact of any domestic terrorism laws or structures you put in place under Republicans will turned on its head and they’ll and go after Antifa, BLM, Acorn (even though it’s long dead) and any other group conservatives don’t like.

“maybe telling a more accurate story about how America became America than the fairy tale that schoolchildren in this country have always heard.”

Those with direct access to the President in the media need to stop with the placating softball questions, and allowing him to get away with saying the vial shit.

Hrm, I’d be kinda happy if politicians had to have all of their statements prechecked by snopes. That sounds like a pretty good idea.

Your first paragraph is why this has been allowed to happen for so long. You dehumanize Billy the Rapist, which allows you to sleep easy at night even though he’s being fed food that is so low quality, even the most credible of animal rights activists would be appalled if it were being fed to livestock. There is a

The Babylon Bee: come see what your weird dominionist coworker--who also has a lightsaber in his cubicle--is chortling about today

The good conservative comedy is never intentional.

To sum up:

Another pretty shitty thing about prison labor, the off-site type in specific, is that it drives down pay for or eliminates jobs that get replaced by prison labor. I had a pretty hard, but rewarding and fun, job planting trees for a land trust in the PNW when I was younger reforesting the banks of a major river.


Out of sight, out of mind.  Like was noted in the article, the Fox News reaction is unfortunately how most people in the US feel about the prison system.  For some reason, it is a country that takes pride in the fact it treats their prisoners like animals.  

A brutal government produces brutal people who produce more brutality. Contrary to what many tend to believe in this country, treating people with unnecessary cruelty makes them even more likely to re-offend, often in more violent ways and with more victims than what got them locked up in the first place. If think

I’d like to change my name to Snyder Cut.

“every studio likes to make money”

No Zack Snyder movie deserves this much conversation. He could have filmed the real life big foot and his version of Justice League would still have sucked.

There’s a catch, though: Smith makes it clear that the Snyder Cut is not anything close to a finished movie that could be dropped into theaters with no warning. He says “large sections” of it don’t have finished visual effects, leaving “a lot of green screen”...

So he’s saying, “stand back and let the fascists handle this”?