
It’s a Luhrmann flick, so, it’ll be bright and bizzy and full of movement and utterly lacking in substance, performance, or seriousness of subject. How he and Guy Ritchie keep getting studios to hand them ridiculous amounts of money to make movies that leave zero impact on the box office or “state of the art” is

Republican voters - this guy is YOU!

“Some kind of rifle.” It was an assault rifle, just say it. You don’t slaughter that many people at an exit that fast without high ammo capacity and refire rate. Probably some alt right white incel too.

It’s good to see Republican officials rallying around this mass shooting to focus on the real enemies, anti-fascists.

Or Tarantino’s. Which of course wouldn’t end with Elvis dying on the toilet in 1977, but living on to foil John Hinkley’s Jodie Foster obsessed attack on Reagan in 1981.

You don’t need a permit to open carry a locked and loaded long gun in TX and Walmart allows guns in their stores.

Luhrmann’s kid goes to my son’s school. I once saw Luhrmann focusing on his cellphone for the better part of an awards ceremony. I felt like leaning over and saying, “Your movies are tacky as shit. And put away your phone.”

Also can someone explain to me how the Rapecopter isn’t evidence in this case? How can he sell this?  Moreover, why is he selling THIS, now?  Surely he has more valuable assets to unload that aren’t connected to the case.  I am confusion.

The best possible interpretation, giving way way too much benefit of the doubt, is they googled Icarus and came up with Bruegel’s “Landscape with the Fall of Icarus”: Icarus is barely a speck, and everyone else in the foreground is going about their lives thinking “I don’t give a fuck about that guy.”

The only people the whole “don’t name the shooters, don’t name their collaborators “ argument benefits are the white right-wingers who are tired of seeing their friends and kids and businesses crop up as the guilty party in every mass shooting.

I was all set to click through and read the story until I saw that. Maybe that’s taken out of context or something, but fuck any article that even hints at him being some kind of tragic figure deserving of anything other than scorn and ridicule. He’s not a tragic figure who flew too close to the sun. He’s a fucking

Such poetic musings about a fucking predator. As far as I know Icarus was not a sexual deviant in search of prey.

“perversely tragic figure” who became “lost in his own fable. Wandering the skies in his private jet, enamored of his own mind and image, he forgot that he was merely mortal and may have flown too close to the sun.”

“While pilots refuse to cooperate with authorities to reveal exactly who was on the jet and helicopter...”

Don’t worry, everybody! The governor of Texas is on top of things and has arrested...the gal who licked the bucket of ice cream.

They aren't innocent. 

The link goes to KTNV’s website, the local news station that named the store in their reporting, and not to the store directly.  You would’ve known that if you actually hovered over the link (you don’t even need to click it) instead of rushing down here to post your disingenuous garbage.


“Does Blizzard know at all how to NOT stereotype people?” asked one fan. “A crazy/scary Australian, a ‘stupid’ American cowboy, an uptight Japanese man, a South Korean girl that’s a pro at video games, and now Sigma. Mental illness shouldn’t be represented like this.”