
in spite of their constant public ineptitude right wing trolls are pretty organized, especially now with a president whos eager to listen to them

Come back to the greys where you belong, we miss you!

i know we all want trump to face the consequences of his actions for once but expecting that to happen seems like a stretch. Especially when he pulled the classic conservative bad faith move of just claiming hes heard some unspecified things about it from some unspecified sources

I kind of doubt he was forced, Gaiman has always seemed a little too online. I made a short, vague tumblr post once about his body of work a few years ago and he almost immediately liked it and reblogged it with a comment in spite of it being basically nothing from a random blog with less than 100 followers. It was

At least it’s not another “tom is pushy until he gets what he wants from everyone and then loses it anyway” arc

Does anyone like any of the music that their coworkers play, ever?

Try Tips and Tricks magazine. I hear they also have the mortal kombat nude codes

Boycotts are slacktivism now? I don’t think anyone is *just* taking a break from watching twitch and calling it a day

I feel like for better or worsr it sends a statement to post an article about a political matter that’s only tangentially related to video games.

A wide net of name recognition combined with it being easier to get smaller commitments maybe? naganuma for one hasnt contributed more than a handful of tracks to anything in a while, but those games usuallh still advertise MUSIC BY THE JET SET RADIO GUY! as a bullet point.

“Let's get alcoholized!" is my new party catch phrase. Thanks grandpa

Okay, who was in charge of pressing B during this?

You’re absolutely right

thanks for the review. Can't wait to try it myself

Did they ever patch out the mandatory straight marriage in the last one? I feel like whenever ubi gets called to task like that they just shrug their shoulders and pretend they're learning a brand new lesson until the attention is on something else.

Our elected leadership has chosen to fail us by focusing on semantics and procedural arguments in the face of fascism. Physically stopping the wheels from turning any further, any way we can, is really the only option left.

I’m glad the #resistance was able to spare some gentleness for our racist president as innocent people of color die painfully in our nation’s concentration camps and for profit prisons

I mean, you’re not wrong, but this is slightly rich coming from part of a network of sites plastered with countless “sponsored articles” about the best prime day deals...

if winnie the pooh can be repurposed to tell me not to smoke weed yugi is allowed to say that the government is corrupt and should be dismantled. And vice versa.

Aww, really? I dont keep up with the comics any more but thats disappointing. Please d me a favor dont tell me about whatever theyve done to Amadeus Cho (sadly relegated to a cameo in the forgotten ed norton movie) or she hulk lately.