
I don’t think you’re trying to be homophobic but you seem to have some entrenched biases as a straight person that you seemed really resistant to examining. “Homophobic” is not an insult i levy at people who disagree with me about superheroes like you implied it was. We live in a deeply homophobic, transphobic society

Good to know, thank you! I don't play it but the optics struck me as weird, glad to hear I was mistaken.

They actually have a test server, it's just constructed out of leftover nylon bags.

I’m one of the obnoxious commetariat too busy whining about 76 to try it (i missed the free trial only because of real life obligations, though) but i think your time is better spent with New Vegas aka fallout 3 with good writing

The Power Armor Recovery Tool or PART will be available for 50 atoms this weekend, just wait.

hot take coming through but 3 doesnt hold up that well and NV succeeds more on the strength of its writing than anything bethesda touched. which just leaves 4, the game that improved the shooting and the power armor but took everything else in a pretty bad direction

I kind of wonder what Naganuma has been up to for the past ~10 years that keeps him from contributing more than a track or two to soundtracks, even ones like Lethal League and Hover that list his involvement as a major selling point.

best ending: call it a wash and open source it

I still have no idea how generic, automatic vending machines were supposed to rehabilitate this game. I mean...”Fallout 76 Adds Player Owned Stores” would be a good headline, even if the shops were automated, but vending machines? The things you just raid for caps in better fallout games? I realize it made trading

Are you LGBT?

from now on the only competitive video game is Sonic heroes for Xbox

Smoke Signals is really good

It’s coming to Xbox apparently, the article just missed it

Now playing

There’s always the incredibly disturbing bootleg!

Are we really expanding the too-many-streaming-services problem to include games already? I guess there’s probably someone out there who wants to binge play all of Assassin’s Creed

Hercules is the secret mvp of the marvel universe

It’s not for you or about you so I don't think your opinion really matters

Do you react like this when a character is revealed as straight for no clear reason?

Thanks to the brave steps taken by our true allies the Russos, gays are allowed to vaguely refer to the fact that we date people of the same gender in the MCU, as long as neither party has a name or any role in the story.

That’s nice... But aren't all the cosmetics glitched? Or has that already been fixed