
Team Fortress 2 is the perfect example of what a freemium game should be, if it's not TF2 quality, forget about it.

I can honestly say.... thats not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I mean... it could be loads worse, im surprised.

My mom's house has a pretty strange "feeling" about it as well. Here's the very shortened version of the story I remember most from her:

AAHHHH I love and hate all of these. AND I HAVE ONE OF MY OWN! It's not anything supernatural, but still scary as shit.

"Fragile? It must be Italian!"

This is kind of like how you're not supposed to yell rape but the word fire. It's a shame the industry has gotten this bad. Where I work (we do UPS, USPS, and Fedex Drop offs) I don't think we charge anything to slap on a glass sticker.

Went through an commented "First" on all of them. Thanks Ashley.

I think that was Margaret Atwood.

you're a good guy, Carlos.


Only a couple times in my life have I asked a woman who was otherwise a stranger for her number. My romantic/sexual encounters have exclusively come through meeting a friend of a friend, and something developing from there.

You know what's bullshit?

This was also my initial reaction to the article. It strikes me as weird to use a non-medical term in the context of discussing a highly innovative medical procedure.

That was mt first thought! how amazing this could be for Trans women wanting to potentially have children! Though I've no clue of that would be possible on any level (is there room for a womb in a genetically male body?

Why aren't they calling this a "uterus"?

I can tell you there's a lot of trans women watching these developments with an avid interest. Between this and 3D printed organs (seriously, it's a thing) the future of medicine in general but also of trans folks' ability to transition is really looking amazing.

“womb” is not an anatomical term! they mean uterus, right? i never know what they mean!

Yes. Butt Trumpets.

who puts a baby on the floor