My 15-yr-old daughter is there. This Momma is proud of her budding social activist!
My 15-yr-old daughter is there. This Momma is proud of her budding social activist!
I know, women's rights are only for lame bitches to talk about, AMIRITE brah!?
Not at all, I quite enjoy it actually. I'm sorry you feel that comics and sci-fi should be a he-man, woman haters club...
Really enjoyed your article, Daniel. I was a health professional in a men's prison in Australia, and people are always curious about this aspect. They never believe me about the infrequency of nonconsensual sex. I will direct people to this article.
Good luck with your memoir!
Towel? OK. Rubber glove? I'm on board. ALUMINUM FOIL? Get that the hell away from my dick!
This discussion seems to be a lot different than the one about Ray Rice, in that there are a fair number of people, who defend what AP did, or say "he got a little carried away", as though he spent more than he meant to at the grocery store that week. It seems likely to me that you are right about the problem or…
Lesson for the day: saying, "Fuck her right in the pussy," isn't ok, but actually doing it without her consent is.
I know exactly what you mean. Something about these types of stories and people really pique my morbid curiosity.
I had forgotten about them. You want to say "what a horrible thing," but then you think "at least they found each other" These people must have been lost and searching for something. Better, it seems, to have lived in what seems like a peaceful, albeit biazzarre, tight-knit community for 20-plus years than wandering…
Every month, the bills get paid on time. The emails get answered, and any orders filled. Which, for,…
This is an incredibly fascinating, well-researched, well-written article, and I enjoyed every minute of the read. Thank you for writing it.
Reading about cults like Heaven's Gate always leaves me with a very creeped out feeling.
I find it amazing that if a player leaves to player for another team, you might see fans burning his jersey, yet if he beats the shit out of his wife or toddler, some fans will make a point to wear his jersey.
What is troubling in this case is that Peterson has not shown any remorse for the injuries he caused to his children. He actually believes he did nothing wrong, and his actions were simply the result of his following the bible (i.e. spare the rod, a spoil the child).
To be fair to the Bible, that isn't a Bible verse (though it nods to a couple phrases from different places in the Bible). Say what you will about the Bible, but it generally does not advise that a person should be a raving narcissist/egomaniac, which as near as I can tell is the message of this here "insta-quote."
I thought Drew's take on corporal punishment and child abuse yesterday was really good, but there was one thing that I think missed the mark. When he said "If it takes sending Adrian Peterson to jail to explain the 'don't hit your kids' concept to all the junior Bob Knights out there, so be it."
As a photographer and artist myself, I think one of the worst things would be to lose my sight. I hope he can adapt and overcome his handicap, I can only imagine how devastating this must be for him.
But good fucking lord am I even more enraged that this still fucking happens in the first place. JUST. URGH.
Look up maintenance costs on an MRAP sometime.
And by the time they could get this thing to an active shooter situation, said situation would be over.
"Littlejohn went on to say that the vehicle would be used by police officers for protection in the case of an active shooter, or if the school needs to rescue children from a fire, because no one in this situation has apparently ever heard of a fire department."
Water puts out fire, sure, but why use water when you can…