
A four-year-old couldn't do it. So Goodell did.

I don't think the punishment is the point. Nor, really, is the Peterson case in particular.

What about the Ryugyong Hotel in North Korea? It's over 1,000 feet tall and while the outside looks finished, the inside is far from done with the exception of some very small areas, mainly to impress visitors and the press. They've been working on it on and off since 1987.

They demolished the largest cathedral in Russia to build it, only to find it was built on a swamp and the foundation of the cathedral was a technological marvel. They would not have been able to build that building, even with German slave labor after WWII (used to build the "seven sisters" skyscrapers). I remember

I had a new trainee that IM'ed me "I have a problem that I need your help with". I thought the IM was from a good friend with the same name. I responded "is it a problem with your butthole?"

"It's slightly more accurate than you'd think. She's not a feminist. She's a media sensationalist. When was the last time she reported on anything GOOD in gaming? Never. She's focused SOLELY on the bad. Or what she TELLS us is bad. Did she do a report on the annual running of the Gnomes in WoW? Did she report on all

"It's slightly more accurate than you'd think"

So you either didn't click on the link and you're not aware that it's a racist caricature based on her ethnic background, or you did, and you totally buy into the "greedy Jew" stereotype that people such as Nazis use. Either way, I'm flabbergasted

It's no coincidence that since GG popped up, incidents of harassment, doxing, and death threats against women in this industry have skyrocketed. Whether or not these are the actions of "real" gamergaters is irrelevant at this point, because either way GG has energized and encouraged people like this, and given them

Yeah, this is what I don't get. If the "good" members of GG really want to talk about game journalism, why cling so desperately to the Gamergate brand? Why not abandon it and start over with a new name and try actually having an organized group that DOESN'T tolerate harassment this time?

I'm just curious if the GG losers understand the concept of No True Scottman? I mean, they can keep pretending that those people aren't what GG is about, but so far all I've seen out of the group as a whole is...some incoherent whining, a ton of threats and harassment, and more whining about how mean everyone is for

SSSSARR-KKEEYY-ZIII—AANN!!! (Lightning clashes as I raise my fists and drop to my knees, staring into the sky defiantly amidst a downpour)

Finally. Girl toys that have a realistic heroin addict body type, with a pinch of eating disorders.

As with every article about sweating and/or BO, I'm here to for a quick PSA — regardless of how much you sweat, you may not need deodorant. Be sure before stopping, but a portion of people (usually of East Asian ancestry, but not always) have a configuration of the ABCC11 gene that leads to much fewer fatty secretions

Jeesh. The headline is hyperbolic click bait. It's not all of "Harvard" in some secret conspiracy. One prof was doing a study regarding attendance. Apparently that one prof effed up and did not tell everybody in the administration. From this:…

Only available as a skinny white girl with blonde hair? Well, they almost got it right.

My issue is that mine has 2 way audio. You can listen, and you can talk through the cam. Listening is not so bad, but talking back...

It's also running and making revenue off ads. Whether that money goes towards their hosting fees, getting their "message" out, etc., or into the pockets of the owners, is yet to be determined.

Note to manufacturers: require people to change the password before being able to access any of their footage. Because obviously many aren't gonna do so by themselves. And can we really blame them? After all, for many people tech is a tool, something that they don't want to think about more than necessary. People are

I use an IP cam as a baby monitor, and something like this is my worst fear. I have it set behind my firewall, no port forwarding so it's not accessible outside my own home network, and complex password for both router and cam. Pretty sure that's all I can do to make it secure, but crap like this, some creepo staring

The mandatory XKCD link