
*dolls that help white girls aspire to more than just princess jobs.

as a 21 year old sweat monster (no hope ever for dryness)- nooooooooooooooooooooooo

i think the answer was aliens

oh but how did you choose which videos to include in the article! did you see one and just know or did you search for a while for one that really conveyed something that you wanted to in the article? it must of been the most entertaining part.

ya i hate how everyone just goes along with trans-exclusionary statements like this.

that's crazy! what's the logic behind that sort of law?

ya at my university classes can count for multiple majors too. like if your majoring in health and minoring in gender studies, the class "biology of sex" can count for both majors. I wonder how much of that happened.

thanks for at least kind of acknowledging that facebook has been especially enforcing this on drag performers/ members of the gender performance community. reading how people get flagged helped provide some clarity as to why every teacher I know has a fake facebook name but drag performers have such a hard time

awesome! did she go with school or are you guys from NY? I heard that my local high school was sending a bus down and I thought that was so cool!

if you go to google and type in kuro burger, there are tons of photos of the actual burger in japan. The can't show you a photo of this one yet, because it hasn't been released, but they did this promotion a few years ago (i guess you didn't read the other two articles, because they do cover different things) and

Thank you so much! This is such a hard thing to think about I would never have been able to do this kind of research on my own. My family and I are constantly going back and forth on whether or not it's "time" for our dog. Looking at that HHHHHMM scale really helped deliver some clarity. Like the idea of his

it was probably just a joke since it's only the first week of classes at most schools. hard to be failing already

ya it sounded perfect because the whole idea is to help women who can't really get relaxed enough or out of their own head enough to have an orgasm with a partner.

there are doctors out there who are working on your problem!

i really feel for this girl. and i really like the perspective you took on this Lindy, it was open minded. I feel like I have such a knee-jerk reaction to religion based on my own personal experiences that my first instinct was also just to say leave those assholes behind you and move on. But staying and working to

seriously there's nothing more disappointing then thinking i've just met a bunch of people to sesh with only to have them pull out their e-cigs

I mean okay put some other "lavender" coloured flowers in there too but to not include lavender itself!! She might as well have just said purple.

Android! Thanks so much!

do you have one that you'd recommend that you use? i'm super down to make the switch.