
Prison uniforms are paid for by public money.

Yeah I also find it hard to believe that there are SO many instances of people wearing jail jumpsuits that it warrants changing the actual uniforms.

I've never actually seen someone wearing an orange jumpsuit.. I mean I don't often see people wearing jumpsuits period, so.

That's good ol' Sheriff Joe Arpaio's doing. His reasoning is that you can embarrass someone into not being a criminal. Don't think it's working for him, though.

Yeah, the last thing we'd want to instill in prisoners is a desire to be productive members of society! We don't want them to get too comfortable with a sense of human dignity and all.

Seems about right.

"We don't want them getting too comfortable, feeling like they're productive members of society..."

Refusing to use his proper title has really annoyed me. It's purposefully disrespectful.

It's insane to me that the President event has to do make this an executive order. It's like the GOP doesn't even want women, LGBTQ or minorities to vote for them

Has a dick pic ever worked for anyone ever? "You have deplorable table manners, your stance on same sex marriage is alarming, and your relationship with your mother has a distinct Psycho vibe. However, your penis is pleasingly shaped and the crown has a certain joie de vivre. How soon can we marry?"

You should have gone to the bathroom and said "I'll send you something too", then sent him a picture of a bigger dick.

I feel like the rule needs to be: don't send dick picks when they're unsolicited, period. If you wanted a dick pick two hours into the date and he wanted to oblige, I don't see a problem (and sexting is hardly the death of Modern Woo...). It's the fact that it wasn't requested that made it inappropriate, not

It's a solid guide on TV network leanings, too. Watch ABC News, you'll see them refer to President Bush and Mr. Obama in the same sentence. Or even just "Obama."

Great article! And I hate that wording from Carey, "force of the state." Stop acting like it's fascist to protect minority rights.

Love how Boehner refers to everyone in his statement as "president," except for the person who is currently filling the position (Mr. Obama vs President Richard M. Nixon). Because, apparently, pandering. #fuckboehner


Obama could sign an executive order instituting "National Puppies Are Cute Day" and the GOP would try to use that as grounds for impeachment. They really can't get over the fact that a black guy is President. Also, they hate women, gay people, minorities, and common sense.

because jesus

there should be a tv show where edgy pop stars hang out with old people and just talk. it would be FUCKING hysterically awesome.

I love that she cared so much about doing this and being on top of things that she studied up before her first pitch. That's the type of dedication being awesome that gets you to 105, apparently.