
With all due respect to you Grendel, you just spent time writing a hefty comment on an article on how Canadian Netflix has less to offer than American Netflix. So maybe we both have some thinking to do.

I just want to say that you are hilarious. Not sure if you are a dedicated writer for Gizmodo or not, but you should be. I was thoroughly impressed by your writing. (You know, because I'm clearly a profession critic and critically acclaimed author so if your writing impresses me then you're going places, kiddo. Not

The BALLS it takes to come on to a digital gadgetry blog and complain about first world problems. It's ASTOUNDING. Kudos to you.

I have 6 year old relatives who only comment on articles they've actually read all the way through.

...yes, I've heard of it. I mention it in the post.

The rhetoric may have changed slightly, but the conflict will continue until the U.S. stops supporting Israel at the U.N..

While pouring millions into Israeli defense coffers so they can gleefully conduct this genocide without a peep of international descent. These tools taking selfies and praying for a Arab free homeland are a sign of how complete their radicalization is. I won't weep when they lose one of theirs.

I have friends from Israel. I've met people that have not openly wished death/harm on Arabs, but have made it abundantly clear that they hate them. It's quite surreal to have a conversation with someone and have them speak with such disgust about a general group of people.

Weird, it's almost as though living in occupied territory and constantly suffering retaliatory overreaction strikes from your wealthy heavily militarized neighbor in reaction to a few assholes in your government shooting glorified fireworks at them will breed resentment somehow.

"As a Jew, and as someone who has been raised to always support Israel (which, according to my parents, is my spiritual home, although I have never been)"

No wonder most Americans automatically side with Israel, we're both wealthy nations filled with shamelessly self-absorbed assholes so far removed from any conflict we enter that it's incredibly easy to cheerlead for atrocities. I wish I could even be surprised that Violent Nationalism Selfies are a thing, but I can't.

In a million years I could never post this article on my Facebook page; I would be attacked as anti-Semitic and told that these pictures are fake and were made up by Hamas.

It would be lovely, but it can depend on the wishes of an author, too. Sometimes authors leave requests not to have their works published upon death, some don't care either way. I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens in Lee's case. Honestly, I share your hope.

The idea that a person could say (1) such very important things (2) that weren't being said (3) in such an impactful and effective way and then simply shut up and go away is, perhaps, the most remarkable thing in all of this. More, even, than the book itself.

Reclusive authors are the best people ever! That's how you do it: create something great and eschew fame and publicity. It sucks that "To Kill a Mockingbird" is treated as THE definitive civil rights book when it's by a white author and focuses on white protagonists, but that's not Harper's fault and it's still a

I also wonder if her participation in "In Cold Blood"'s research/writing, and witnessing what happened to Capote during that time period, played any part. Capote had some difficulties after ICB's success getting back to the page himself.

She sounds like Rita Skeeter.

Right? The author's behavior sounds really creepy and stalkeresque.

...and the cops should have been called.