
It's happening anyway...I don't think this service will make it any more likely to happen. But it is a healthier way to beat a hangover than puking, drinking three cans of Coke and eating greasy Chinese food (<—- my go-to action plan). It's hard for me to be mad at that.

My claws? This from the person shitting all over people's parenting choices without even reading through an exceedingly short paragraph that makes it clear that the parents didn't condone the marriage? Fuck off.

I've heard of clickbaiting headlines but this is ridiculous.

I've never met a pro-lifer who wasn't ignorant, stupid, or evil. I'm guessing that the ignorant, stupid, and evil members of the anti-abortion brigade are sending endless emails to NBC.

autoplay? ACK!

Eating a whole bag of weed sounds awful. And I love weed.

Yeah... I'm Canadian and no, we have not done well with fiscal conservatism.

If the car in front of you slows down, you see the break lights and can adjust speed accordingly. If the car is stopped, you don't have enough time to react, especially if you're coming around the corner. You and others are blowing my mind with the leniency you're showing to a complete moron who killed two people. OF

"Prosecutor Annie-Claude Chasse had a message for motorists.

You can't argue, "what if the circumstances were different?" because they *were not*. The case is what it is. If it had been car troubles, or if it had been a better reason, we could argue the merits of it. But the case is what it is, and those are the merits we have to argue.

As someone who has been injured by a negligent driver, I hope this woman receives some jail time. Not life (which is actually not life sentence in Canada, it's called "25 years to life" where you don't get to apply for parole until after 25 years but I highly doubt she'll get that, our justice system is much

I completely agree. Hazards could have made all the difference here.

Well, she didn't have her hazards on and left her door open.

I know a young man who came from Guatemala in that time period (6 or 7 years ago) at the age of 13 and he nearly died. He developed a racking cough (he was transported under cargo in trucks)and got heat exhaustion something terrible. He was aided by a "coyote" who was paid an exorbitant amount of money ($7,000 I

pretty sure you meant 'enter' not 'entire' in the first sentence. its distracting.

You have a typo, "...attempting to entire the US..."

The difference is that abortion does not kill children. It saves women. And the unwanted children that end up in dumpsters. Denying abortion should be an excomnunicatable offense. But then the Church would have to start with itself. Kudos to the Pope for going against mafia, though!

Sunday morning beheadings may be carried out without the traditional guilt associated.

Gypsy is an exonym for the Romani people (including 1M Roma residing in the U.S.) While it's not a slur, its usage is controversial and I'm pretty sure using the term "hairy gypsy" as an insult is just plain (bigoted, xenophobic) awful. Irony.

Now playing

OMG I really hope their first kiss was as amazing as this: