
Honestly, don't hide in your room. Call him out on it. "Where did you go last night? I was really excited for the party that you invited me to, and you bailed."

"Libtard"... "sodomy"... "double standard".... I got Troll Bingo!

when you've met a tiny 5-year-old raped so hard she couldn't sit down for days,

And then he started talking softly. I like it when, as humans, we put on our "lets just all be cool" voice to animals when we are scared of them/trying to help them.

Do you have any evidence that not posting photos like these prevents the rape of children?

I had a Great Horned Owl grab the bun on the back of my head one night when I was out running. It hit hard! I felt the blow, then saw the thing fly off with a wad of hair in its claw. There was a scratch on my scalp and blood. I don't know what it was thinking.

Macklemore, is that you?

So you're projecting rape onto a baby just doing what babies do? If you work with abused kids, you should *know* that it's not "caused" by something the child does, or wears, or is photographed doing. Shame on you for victim blaming children or parents for something like that.

It's kind of their thing. No filter. "What's my belly button up to today?"= take shirt off. "I'm hot"= take shirt off. "What even IS shirt?"= take shirt off. They do not even remotely care.

Right? And honestly, think about how fucked up a pedophile's mindset already is. Is a tiny amount of fabric going to stop him from doing something if he were to act (god forbid)? I mean, do we need to put our kids in a wetsuit that you can only unlock with a key if we want them at the beach? It's like the "she was

You are the one making a non-sexual picture of a CHILD sexual and THAT is what is disturbing. Should we all wrap ourselves in bubbles and never leave the house "just in case" some perv happens to see us? As a woman, I get that sort of suggestion a lot. Fuck that shit. That sort of shaming is PART of rape-culture

He displays competence, ingenuity, and the wisdom to know that owls are BAMFs with whom we mere mortals should not trifle. 10/10 would bang.

That fake casting call story is fucked up. Not only is it a massive waste of money, but all those hopeful actors that got humiliated instead.

"Everything is Absurdly Unhealthy." You got that right.

It looks like a grotesque puppet or a really bad taxidermy job.

A friend of mine who works at American Apparel told me that Dov's firing seriously has nothing to do with his serial sexual abuse charges- it's simply about the money (AA hasn't been doing as well with Dov at the head) and they are just letting the sex scandals take the forefront to 1) distract us from their financial

Let's be clear - he was fired because AA is bleeding money from its asshole, ears, and mouth.

When's a Jennifer Lawrence/me/me love triangle gonna happen? But more importantly, let's all sort rappers into Hogwarts houses! This should get us started:

I'm a complete cynic but I really believe that if the company was doing ok financially, he'd still be employed. He has been a pervy ass from the beginning. I'm not complaining that he's been fired, I just am doubtful that it wasn't primarily financially motivated.