

Did anybody else ever make a Harry Potter Sims house in which Dumbledore, Snape, and Voldemort were in a relationship? Just me? I'll see myself out...

Its a shit show. I thought 2 was just a WAY better platform overall.

Seriously! Someone mentioned "learning curve" when talking about the first time using a tampon, and I thought about the first SEVERAL months of using my Diva Cup. One particular time while clearing it out it in a bathroom stall at work, with my boss who was in from corporate main office in the stall next to me, I

So OTHER cool fact - I've found bisexuality is available too. It seems like the game TRACKS it but doesn't necessarily keep other options completely closed off.

EA has ruined TS, yet I continue to play. It's so buggy, slow and overheats my computer. I really hope they fix more issues in TS4 or I might have to give up.

I was TERRIFIED of the idea of my period. I didn't want it. I barely understood it (Catholic parents). When I got it, I actually HID it for MONTHS until my mother figured it out. I was mortified. I begged her not to tell anyone because I was SO UPSET and she agreed. Not ten minutes later I'm walking down the stairs to

I was an awkward, fat, lonely 12 year old girl who was obsessed with horror movies and masturbating, being raised by a single mother in a small town in the early 90's. Every Friday night my mom would take me to our nearest video store and I would gather 4 - 5 different rated-R VHS scary movies (I would specifically

Aw, but all my period-related gross stories are after my first period.

There's this, if you want to actually read up on the whole thing.

But these problems have "first" been encountered, time and time again, from countless women who have gone to the authorities. We learned from other's mistakes - if you go to the cops, they'll laugh at you, lose your rape kit, and blame you for getting drunk and "bringing it on yourself>" That may not be the REALITY of

Meanwhile, Butters, her grades depressed due to the stress and demands of the adjudication process, has lost her financial aid and withdrew from the university.

I've been waiting for this to hit Jezebel so I could vent more. I am so ashamed of this school (not surprised given the Virginia "good ol' boy" attitude though). I wrote a VERY angry letter to the Alumi Affairs office/Safety Committee chairs this morning - I was steaming. Suggest that all JMU alums do something along

If he wears make up regularly, wouldn't you want his ID to reflect how he normally looks? Like, isn't that the point of an ID? TAKING OFF HIS MAKE UP IS THE REAL DISGUISE.

I don't understand why they had to kiss. Should have just done some manly football stuff like a slap on the ass or a playful towel fight in the showers or a firm rubdown of that pesky thigh cramp while looking longingly into each others eyes.

"On this kid's birth certificate, it says Male."

Not really relevant. He's not transgender.

I think it's an invitation to *propose* some ideas of perverted pictures to take. She talks openly about liking to bounce around topless and take pictures. That doesn't mean she wants to be pressured into sex acts. It's like telling a tiger, "I'm a butcher and could bring you some meat" but the tiger just devours you

To me that says I'm ok with nudity or sexual poses or something. It does not suggest sex is on the table.

So she was asking for it, is what you are saying?

I'm not entirely convinced this would work outside of Japan and am curious to see how it does here. Because for some customers, it might not be a matter of deciding to buy or not to buy, but to ever return to the store.