
“LID” as in “Liquid Incapsulation Device”, I assume.

From the Acknowledgements in that cat paper:

God I hope so.

damn this is a good idea

Eh, we could. How about full contact dirt track racing?

Do you get paid by the word? Or did you turn on speech-to-text, and then dictated a piece for ‘This American Life’. Man-oh-Manischewitz was this a long-winded go-nowhere rant. “I love title sequences, and am sad, but understand why a data-driven service has stymied them.”


But not as meta-fantastic as me

I love the into to GoT, and agree that it’s the best ever...I just don’t need to watch it again.

I’m of the camp that less is more. Intros jumped the shark when we added them to the NFL and every televised college football game. Honestly, I can’t stand Hank Wiliams Jr and Carrie Underwood shouting at me, twice a week.

Intros, are you sure this is the hill you want to die on? Not quality of the show or the content, but the intro. Shows are consumed differently, Netflix understands that. So give me another scene and kill the intro.


If you have to have the company that made the car you own activate the car so you can drive it, you don’t really own the car.

Structural engineer here. The fact that this is the largest of the 3 (apparent) braces running across the short axis of the car to stiffen the frame rails tells me it has the most load on it (yes real engineering-ish). I’m having a hard time orienting the pictures with each other but regardless: corners are always the

You know damn well I’m stupid.

I wasn’t assigning blame. I’d be here all day if I were. It’s not like things suddenly became shitty after the 2008 financial crisis. The Reagan years mark the most obvious turning point, but a lot of politicians from both sides of the aisle have helped along the snowballing of income inequality through action and

The more I read about her blaming everyone else for her loss, the more it occurs to me that she would have been only marginally better than Trump. A self involved, alienating eyesore. And before the comments about 45's racism, etc, remember that the Trump administration’s most notable characteristic is really that it

Okay, I feel horrible for saying this, but doesn’t the header picture make her look a lot like Ted Cruz? Or am I tripping?

I was able to name and then find the information for all but 4 characters in ten minutes.
If all photographers took the effort that Mineralblu did in at least naming the character then nobody else putting these galleries together would have to go searching.

Other than that, it’d be a lot nicer for the people who work

You can’t escape the greys. Not unless you think and believe in exactly the same things that the powers-that-be think and believe in. If you have an unpopular opinion, you are doomed to never have your voice heard, whilst other non-greys bask in the glory of their own existence. (kinda like those dicks in this

(that McBain meme goes here.)

Hey, way cool! It even has a steering wheel for when the wife is with you.