
Jalopnik would like to present: Real men of genius. We salute you Focus-to-truck convertor. Where others said, “Nay.” You said “Hey, hold my beer!” When the wife said, “That Focus is cute.” You heard, “That Focus c’d be a Ute!” So for this marvel of ingenuity, we would like to present you with a lifetime supply of

Clearly the only solution!

Ford Ranchito

Stop trying to make Porgs a thing Disney!

so they could all go to Tatooine and discover Anakin.


Once Payne and his superior who pushed him are fired and unable to find another job, then I’ll believe in that “goodness of society”.

“Why would anyone want to carry around 50,000 songs in their pocket?”

he’ll get a paid vacation and maybe the medal of freedom. serving your government means occasionally putting the citizens in their fucking place.

I’m guessing the current POTUS and his cronies would like to put Harriet Tubman on a $12 bill, seeing as that’s three-fifths of a $20.

Really? I rather enjoyed that mkvie.

“On the nose” is the sweet spot for Star Wars names.

Really? REALLY? Way to be that person who politicizes this shit. Go back to Jezebel with that shit.

Fake News!

That chicken ain’t gonna fuck itself.

Ok. I will bite.

Let’s be very clear.

Yes, in a democracy it’s generally the case that public officials are subject to criticism for their actions. That’s kind of the point.

lol. i knew it was super low.

I get what you’re saying, but actually WATCHING these games is the worst.