
Are you using speech to text? The second version was more coherent, but the errors started multiplying as it went on.

I dont understand the rules cops operate under. Life is genuinely in danger, tussle with suspect and use taser. Unarmed man walking away from you, shoot him in the back and kill him. You would think it would be the other way around.

Exactly, it was on time.

Why does anyone live in Flint, MI?

I would drive a pretty little deathtrap. At least on the weekends.

Her biggest complaint is someone hacked into the DNC servers and told the truth about her. I held my nose and voted for her, but she is still corrupt and the typical lie-to-your-face politician.

There will never be another clip show episode, unless it is ironic.

Lol! I read the first paragraph, got the point. Disagree whole heartedly. Then scrolled and scrolled and scrolled to the comments. Your’s was first for a reason.

It is symbology. It represents that both blue lives and black lives matter.

Was the 42 one his horse?

So, what is it?

Can we talk about all the trash on that plate? Every item is in its own disposable bowl with disposable cutlery on a tray that will still have to be washed. They could save a lot of money just by reusing silverware and not putting everything in its own tray.

Work it out themselves?

Yeah. The 98% of Christians give the rest a bad name.

In other news, a cop in Ohio shot a reporter for setting up a camera to take pictures of a traffic stop.

I don’t know. Ask Hillary.

Smart phone/iphone

Really, that is just as good/bad as any of the Darth [Bad Guy Name] that are part of the cannon.

Exactly. I haven’t been able to watch a game in years. When I say the same thing you do about how terrible and boring it is, people look at me like I grew another head. Who has the time for this nonsense. Baseball has more action. BASEBALL!