
It doesn’t matter how careful you are about pulling out, it’s still not an effective way to avoid making baby truckers.

If you’re in one of my dock for anything more than 15 min loading/unloading a full trailer I’m personally kicking your ass.

One potential benefit, though (and I’m a former big-rig driver): If the trailer had powered axles they can not only participate in regen braking, they can also distribute the motive effort.

Black & Decker tools are like toys. Spend the extra $50 and buy a DeWalt, Makita or Milwaukee and you’ll have a real tool for 20 years.

Black & Decker tools are like toys. Spend the extra $50 and buy a DeWalt, Makita or Milwaukee and you’ll have a real

It seems like a real Sophie’s Choice for the GOP. On one hand, those are likely voters. On the other, it may detract from their ability to service the needs of the donor class. Note that “showing humanity and compassion” will never be a part of this equation, because GOP.

Oh man I was famous for this back in college.

My favorite was my freshman year. It was the last day of class and I was talking with this cute girl that always partnered with me. I asked her some insignificant question like what her grade was on some test or something. She misheard me and answered with her phone number.

I remember those days.

*shirt is actually green*

I’ll trade places with that first guy. I’ve got the problem of not picking up on clues from women flirting or trying to start something who ARE interested.

OMG. Mine also seems to be fascinated with shiny spinning objects.

De-boxing is a cruel thing to do to a dog.

“That’s nothing. I once paid for an entire hotel room, you understand, this great, beautiful suite in Moscow — one of the very best suites I’ve been in and I’ve been in amazing places, that I can tell you — and there were two women there with urine running out of their...whatever all over this bed. A lot of people

Dead Bath & Beyond

I mean China is right below us maybe it went through the whole earth. #thinkbeforeyoucriticize

African or European?

Does anyone NOT think that?

i’ve been thinking Bran is the one to kill the Night King while warging into a dragon. after last night i think Night King wargs into Zombie Dragon and Bran in Live Dragon and they fight to the death....or Bran wargs into Zombie Dragon and kills Night King.

Deus ex Coldhands, for real. Does he just hang around waiting for idiot nephews?

I’m sorry but the only Stark worth a single goddamn is Uncle Benjen

How about chupathingy