
mostly dead...

It truly is. Think of all the books to read, films to watch, food and wine and spirits to try, places to travel (the whole line of Viking River cruises, but booking the whole ship so no other people would be onboard!), private islands - on in the Thousand Islands, one in the Virgin Islands, and I could go on.....

I’m a parent and fully understand the emotional want to do what they can. However the asshole pragmatic in me knows this treatment would at best be tilting at windmills and would do nothing to help Charlie. Best to let the lad pass on in his own time surrounded by family.

They are less likely to be left at home.

Just as a brief sidebar: the “no access to clinics and gym” bit is pretty standard. Our office is the same way, for insurance purposes. It sucks, but it’s the nature of the beast unfortunately.

Compared to the shots getting the Wallpaper nod recently, this one really deserves it. Big kudos to the shooter.

Serious question, how are Nintendo shareholder okay with this situation? It’s like nintendo is just willingly pissing away money. They have a product people want (despite the equivalent being free on the internet), yet they don’t produce enough to meet demand...

Beat me to it.

Let me guess, Lois Lane is a prostitute in this and Superman kills a whole bunch of Muslims.

Someone found a warehouse of metal detectors and decided to get rid of them on a gameshow, Haha!

Yep, because as kids that’s what we all wanted in the 80's, metal detectors! Haha!

It did exist it’s a T-28 an interwar medium tank developed and used by The Soviet Union in the early part of WW2. Its use on a poster for a film set during WW1 on the western front is really stupid.

Needs more stars.

Whoa whoa whoa...the “criminally underrated Elektra” film? Underrated by whom, exactly? It’s one of the worst superhero films ever made, and certainly one of the only ones I’ve almost fallen asleep during.

Why is it not how it works if I may ask? As a French person myself, this actually looks like a rare but proper use.

Only if it features Sheen watching the plane come in and shouting “winning”.

When every conflict in a 13 episode series is the result of Danny being a moron, yes it is deserved.

Yup. 2500 mile road trip last year and the inside was still great. The outside looked like I had massacred a small army due to all the bugs, but the inside just needed a light vacuuming… We had lots of coffee, but the husband is well aware of the rule (and mostly practices it in his car too), so no spillage.