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Have you ever heard the noises they make? Because they are very cute.

Not the point, I know, but I’ve never seen a baby porcupine before and holy fuck is that an adorable little ball of prickly cuteness.

On the other hand, if they didn’t have a mother in jail and a dead father, how long do you think it would have been before this brain trust decided to get some views by using their kids in one of their stunts? I’d rather she were in jail for killing him than have both of them in jail for killing one of their kids.

Not a Darwin he has two kids, his genes have spread.

As a Catholic from childhood, I believe the Catholic Church is a criminal organization.

So tell me how I am wrong then. Does not the Catholic Church go in to large parts of rural Africa and tell women their greatest accomplishment is birthing babies? Time Magazine did an article on that. As well as the shunning of birth control. National Geographic did an article about the Catholic Church in rural China

The Catholic Church has the biggest grift of all time. Pray to God, give the man “representing” him money and maybe you will go to heaven. If you give him more however, you are upping your chances. A religion with the largest wealth ever amassed and yet they tell their people to live in poverty, tithe and just be

The price of a suit is generally indicative of the quality/craftsmanship of the suit up to a point. A $400 suit won’t hold up well and is probably made of less-than-average materials. A $1,200 suit fits better, feels nicer, and will stand up to normal wear.

That’s only one of the reasons, perhaps just perhaps there are more.

JFC, you idiots are insufferable. A healthy Mexican economy (and world economy) benefits *every* economy, including the U.S. Take an economics course before forming an (incorrect and misinformed) opinion out of some misplaced emotional projection of patriotism.

So would keeping more Mexicans in Mexico be a bad thing for you?

Thank you for all your comments. I’m a vet, I work with MANY pits, and they are not as a breed more dangerous than any other.

Thanks. I work with a rescue that gets mostly pits because of people and their unfounded “information”. This is incredibly annoying and damaging to the pit breeds and Im glad that there are some people on here that are like wtf are you saying.

here’s my pit (right) being extremely terrifying by licking his (pretend) gf’s face at a local coffee shop patio

Please stop and educate yourself before commenting on something you clearly don’t know anything about. “Pit Bulls” as we know them- which, by the way, encompass many breeds of dogs- were trained to fight other dogs. In fact, pits who were people-aggressive we culled because they needed to be okay with being patched

Thanks for this. I worked at a veterinary clinic in a pitbull-heavy area, and I met a grand total of one who was aggressive toward humans.

Ira Glass is like the flip side of Click and Clack. His radio show is riveting and brilliant just like Car Talk, but one gets the feeling that it would be insufferable to have to spend any length of time with Ira Glass the person.

Which US built, US manufacturer premium station wagon should we all buy then? I can’t think of one - what am I forgetting?

The cop got a citation? Is this Altoona, Narnia?