
I bet someone is going to pick up on this soon.

Mel Brooks (somewhat) beloved Star Wars spoof

It’s not baby red pandas but I keep this versatile picture of fox kits just for situations like these.

Ira Glass is like the flip side of Click and Clack. His radio show is riveting and brilliant just like Car Talk, but one gets the feeling that it would be insufferable to have to spend any length of time with Ira Glass the person.

Which US built, US manufacturer premium station wagon should we all buy then? I can’t think of one - what am I forgetting?

The cop got a citation? Is this Altoona, Narnia?

How strange. That has not been our experience. Non-white doctors have been more open to listening to us when we talk about symptoms. They have also been more likely to remember things like drug allergies than white medical staff (we once had a nurse say “well, we can give you ampicillin, and if you go into shock, we

Look. It’s why I called it my bigotry, and please don’t assume that my personal thoughts perfectly dovetail into anyone else’s here. I can’t speak for them.

Obviously not, which is why I said it was my personal bigotry having to do with working harder in the face of bigotry around them....I said this very clearly in the post.

Of course, the citation that the officer would receive would be this definition:


This has been my experience 100%. To the point where I hope for them.

With Altoona’s demographics and the fact that the other driver was named “John McConnell”, I’d put the chance of him being shot afterwards at something approaching zero.

As long as the cop said he was afraid then it’s A-OK.

My anonymous confession is This: I am white, and I am SO relieved when I am placed with a black or East Asian or really ANY doctor but white.


i’ll go ahead and blame the victim here.

Just one turtle, but four elephants to balance it out.

I already have Netflix. It still pisses me off that CBS is pulling this shit in the US. To the point that I’m probably not going to watch the show now simply out of principle.

What the hell? Why?