
Why is the Tesla parking lot so bad...

Military blog commenting on how military plan (if the word “plan” can be used yet about this vague TV-interview-based whim) has serious problems based on specific examples that you chose to click on and yet you are mad.

Nope, the courts decided what an appropriate amount was for a TDI VW in drivable condition. Call it a loophole if you want, but the language was pretty clear. Boohoo if VW can’t slap on a jerry-rigged DEF system and resell it because it is missing the headlights or looks like it was in a “Oh HAIL yes storm” with

You picked a strange Foxtrot Alpha post to complain about. This is the closest Terrell has come to a non-partisan post. He uses evidence to suggest that President Trump’s plan of a safe zone is flawed, not because it was Trump’s idea, but because there is a history of failure when similar plans were attempted.

FTA is supposed to be about military stuff, I think this is a fair game, and an objective analysis at that, you can see that because the writer uses facts to support a statement. Ain’t that nice?

Those are meant to remain empty. They’re air bags.

Volkswagen lied, cheated, and broke the law. Leave it to internet comments sections to condemn the people who are having a little bit of cheeky and, let’s be honest here, completely harmless revenge.

If VW doesn’t like these cars coming back without fenders or My Little Pony piss paint jobs, then perhaps THEY

Why does it matter what condition the car is in when they are going to the scrapper? Does the scrapper care? It will shred and crush either way

It’s okay bro, I hope you get lots of money for the trim, old seats, floor mats, and headlights on eBay.

Obviously the opinion of someone not directly affected by the situation. When you consider the scope of the fraud, the inconvenience experience by those affected, the financial loss (nobody is making money on this buyback), etc. they have every right to be a little pissed off and want to “stick it to the man.” Sure,

actually it’s much easier to make a normal radio receiver out of a cat than make a receiver out of a cat and then make it invisible and muted. ;)

HAHAHA! :D in my defence it was fixed within a day changing invisible cats to simple x markers in Old World Radio v5.01. ;) (as demonstrated in the video included in the article.)

It’s analogous to saying Mount Everest is heading to space.

The Backfire is a curiously pretty plane.

There is a difference between ‘firing AT’ and ‘firing towards’, and even then, the missile was never supposed to go in that direction so they didn’t even fire it ‘towards’ the US, but rather it malfunctioned and ‘headed towards’ the US.

This casual journalism bullshit isn’t funny or cool or whatever it is you’re trying to convey to rope in young readers. Especially if your still going to sensationalize the report. The Biritsh Navy had an unarmed ICBM malfunction. That’s it. To say it was heading to the United States is laughably false.

There are a limited number of preorders, and not every store getting preorders is going to have the ability to do so online.

Speaking of unintended consequences of improved safety, it is proposed that self driving cars may encourage people in normal cars and pedestrians to act in less safe manners. The pedestrian knows and will assume that the self driving car will stop, therefore they will walk out in front of it. A self driving car will

A real head turner