
Of course! If you got the dough for it. But it would def. make commuting to work so much fun. And stylish too!

That was the Onion before the Onion was the Onion.

The requirements of being a car to serve as the POTUS are clearly discriminatory. As the Declaration of Independence states, all vehicles are created equally (although, clearly some assembly is better than others when considering the Chevrolet Vega).

since at least one of the candidates has a sniffling thang..

It’s even got the requisite embarrassing younger sibling.

I’m not american so this isn’t exactly a vote, but this is the car that immediately came to this outsider’s mind.

For your GOP candidate, the 1968 Ford Country Squire. Blue collar, conservative, honking V-8 that gets 8 MPG, intended for big families.

Nah nah nah....BATMAN!!!!!!

This one is eligible in terms of age:

I like the sentiment, but I think we’ve had enough scandals of politicians sending out pics of their wiener.

Not sure who I’d vote for, but I think I do have the perfect representstion of this year’s race:

Red on top, loud, obnoxious, not very useful for anything. What do I win?

And if you actually knew much about cars, you’d know the Camry usually features on the list of most American made cars while basically nothing “Murican” except the Corvette actually makes it on there anymore.

Unfortunately, the 60's Lincoln convertibles may face a bit of a controversy. They have a bit of a Presidential history that I think most would prefer not to be reminded of every year for four years.

Oh, come on, the answer should be obvious. Studebaker President! Actual fact, Abraham LINCOLN rode through WASHINGTON in a Studebaker. (GRANT-ed, it was a horse-drawn funeral coach, but it WAS manufactured by Studebaker...) So, with a name like President, and the presidential precedent already set.... I am voting


Duesenberg Meteor. Its atleast 35 years old and it was made stateside. But unlike its other brethren, its not too bourgeois. You can tell it comes from the family, but its the sibling if you will.

Pictured: Candidate and it’s running mate.

Tucker: Safe, yet forward thinking.