“The best part of Live and Let Die was gorgeous Jane Seymour losing her virginity - the rest was kind of meh. Except for the theme song - that was glorious.”
“The best part of Live and Let Die was gorgeous Jane Seymour losing her virginity - the rest was kind of meh. Except for the theme song - that was glorious.”
Good job, you. You shouldn’t be in the greys. What happened to her eye?
He isnt a priest. He can probably be trusted with kids in public.
You are the second person to accuse me of cognitive dissonance. Is it the word of the day? I don’t think it means what you think it means. It seem like it means, “I have a problem with reading comprehension.”
Yes of course, the old commit-genocide-in-the-holyland-and-go-to-heaven plan. I for one am praying to the god I dont believe in for the rapture to come already. I am sick of every 3rd station on the radio between civilzations being Christian music.
I can accept that. It was not ment to be comprehensive. Would you care to share what gaps you mean?
Of course they did all that. They stated they wanted him to fail from day one. The problem is he let them. If they are going to cry about something, he should have at least given them something to cry about. All except Bohner, he cries over anything.
I dont think there is anything Obama vould have done in office to be less black and therefore get the haters on his side. There are those that would never have accepted him or anything he does. The problem is the amount of time he spent trying to win those people over. He could have fought without being angry. Be…
I believe you. We have 4 years to dig. I have faith we can get there.
Yes. Exactly. They dont know what to fight about they just want change and are willing to burn their own house down to do it. It is a sort of formless anger that wants to strike out at anything that is handy. The Trumpster fire is going to have to start showing results or the rabbids will turn on him too. This was a…
Count me as one. I want those jerks raptured off to Jesus so the rest of us can live in peace.
No. There are very few Americans who care about Israel enough to decide a president on it. Most Americans cant find Anerica on a map of America. They voted for the bloated moron because he will actually stand up and fight for something instead of just handing over his wallet while punching himself in the face, even if…
You must be responding to someone else’s post. I never said anything about him being a tyrant or using executive action. In fact I see his use of executive action as a sign of his weakness. He uses some passive-aggressive end run instead of fighting with the republicans every damn day. He should have been on the floor…
This is exactly the problem with Obama. He has no fight in him. The Republicans have been pushing himself all these years and he just bent over and took it. From budget battles to the Supreme Court justice. He just let them do whatever they wanted. BB Netenyahu comes to congress and slaps the president in public and…
You mean it isnt appropriate to drag them behind my SmartCar?
I am totally with you. I worked with many people who were not only useless,but a hinderance. One of them only got fired when he nearly ran over an OSHA inspector with a forklift. Those worse than useless people they keep on for no good reason, ruin the workplace for everyone and cuts everyone’s motivation.
This is ‘merica! You cant tell me what to do with my property.
Build a 90's sized small truck and be alone in the market. Not everyone needs to haul the Titanic up Mt Everest.
1) You can advocate for things that do not exist. Several disadvantaged groups in this country have successfully advocated for equal rights for them which had not existed previously.
Advocating genocide is not appropriate in anyway for anyone. This is not about a dicussion of safe spaces but a call to violence which is not protected speech under the 1st amendment.