The food is awful and the portions are too small.
The food is awful and the portions are too small.
The mask has already been made.
“The mayor, Ron White, told ABC News”
“The mayor, Ron White, told ABC News”
“This is a list for boring-ass people who buy one car and drive it into the ground.”
Fair point. Good Interventions 110 to 1.
No one mentions her poor, sad friend who has to follow her off the plane with all her stuff. She just had her trip ruined by her perpetual drama friend.
Yep it was all good until Ollie North got busted.....or do you mean Miami Vice?
If we’re going back to the 80's can we sell arms to Iran and bring back Miami Vice?
Rush Limbaugh wanted to exile all users to an island,then went deaf from Oxy abuse.
And set up our own genocidal maniac to work for us like Pinochet and The Sha of Iran. Great idea! What could possibly go wrong?
“Duterte’s supporters in government have, once again, found a way to casually dismiss his claims of murder:”
What is that ship?
Hell! My kitty is kissing me on the mouth right now making it hard to type. She loves me and I love her. It isnt like I am going to start humping her. Do they think Duff is raping her son or wants to? I am so sick of these stupid “contoveries”.
It is a goddamn mess. Thats for sure.
With no exception for rape or incest it is blantantly unconstitutional.
I see what you mean. You are obviously well informed, but I am sure you are aware, that their invitation does not count for much. It would be like the Standing Rock protesters inviting China or Russia to protect them and their land from the US Corporate Government. Even if a tribe could prove the land was legally…
I really wish we could sue these bastards for the cost to Ohio to litigate the defense of a law that is blatantly unconstitutional. I know they plan on getting another justice because Obama is a huge wimp, but still this still may be ruled unconstitional.
It is one reason that I dont watch Anime in general. Im no prude but I hate being pandered to. The same goes for live action fare. In Nu-Treck when the woman strip to her underwear and stands there for no reason, is not interesting or exciting. It is annoying. It is like when a dog humps your leg at a party. You have…